I usually share recipes and activities that work well for our family. But, maybe we can learn a thing or two from my failures… what NOT to make, what NOT to do, what NOT to eat and so on. I worked at a restaurant back in college that served beet chips on one of their […]
When I originally began this blog, I thought I would predominantly write about my baking adventures with a little crafting and family life on the side. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell. It’s been a while now and it is clear that this is not a baking blog. It LOOKS like a baking blog. The name SOUNDS like a baking […]
It had been over four months since I had gotten my hair cut. FOUR MONTHS! With straight, highlighted hair, that is just not okay!! My ends were horrendous and I can’t even get myself to talk about the growth. I mean, LOOK AT THAT! But as a new mom of two, I just couldn’t find the time […]
The Hubby recently brought back a plethora of salmon from Alaska and our freezer is now stocked. I am so unfamiliar with how to cook fish, but I found a recipe that is now a total keeper. The Hubby even said, “This is some of the best salmon I have ever had.” Now, I don’t […]
Prepare yourselves, this is a bit of a long look inside a day-in-the-life. If you get to the end, I applaud you and we should be friends, if not already. 3:30 am- Alarm wakes me up to pump. Check e-mail, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with one eye closed. 6:45- Cal wakes up, I nurse him […]
Last week I mentioned that I was entering a pie into the fair. I knew I was up against some stiff competition, as those old ladies don’t mess around, but I thought it’d be fun nonetheless. Caramel Apple Tree Apple Pie So The Hubby and I took Gwyn on a “daughter date,” with Cal staying […]
I think I am beginning to hate marshmallows. As an incentive for Gwyn to use the potty, I filled a pretty little jar with those tiny, pastel, tempting, marshmallows that I just knew my toddler would oodle over. My own mom potty-trained me using these marshmallows and apparently it worked well. I mean, I’ve only […]
It’s “county fair season” here where I live, which means two weekends in a row of fairs, one in each of the towns that sandwich my own. I did not grow up around this kind of thing. Barnyard animals? I read about them in Charlotte’s Web and I sung about them in Old Macdonald. The […]
When I was a first time parent (wow, am I really saying this already???) I was a high-strung, stressed out, flinched at every peep kind of mama. I hated the sound of my baby crying and did everything I could to prevent it. I was reminded of this a few weeks ago when talking with […]
The weather has definitely changed here in Washington, and cooler weather means the summer decor comes down. No summer decor means empty space. Empty space means NEW space for Fall decor. Fall decor means burlap. Hmmm….How about a burlap wreath!? Exactly what I was thinking!! I came across a burlap wreath on this blog and decided to […]