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A Week (or two) of Failures

September 26, 2012
I usually share recipes and activities that work well for our family. But, maybe we can learn a thing or two from my failures… what NOT to make, what NOT to do, what NOT to eat and so on.
I worked at a restaurant back in college that served beet chips on one of their salads, which I devoured daily, so I attempted to make my own.
What I was supposed to get…
Beautiful beets…


What I got. Burnt teeny tiny turds.

While the beet chips were baking, I thought, “Yum! I’ll make carrot chips, too! What a great snack!”
What I was supposed to get…

I didn’t even take a picture of the “after.” They were shriveled little nothings that broke in half if looked at too long, practically disintegrating in the air!

Another night I thought I’d make baked butternut squash fries.

Lookin’ good!

The after? A pile of mush. MUSH. They just did not hold shape.

Another night… baked zucchini sticks. These weren’t horrible. The Hubby and Gwyn still ate these, but
I think they were just being nice. They weren’t crispy at all. Soft, breaded zucchini chunks. Gag.

“Hey, why not throw some corn into Gwyn’s pancakes?” I thought one morning. She loves pancakes, she loves corn…. seemed like a brilliant idea.

Gwyn picked out all the corn and said, “More pancakes, please Mama. No corn, please!”

And last week I blew it TWICE when it came to dinner.
The DRIEST Chicken Enchiladas EVER. Like, sandpaper in your mouth. Or beach sand. And I made The Hubby eat the leftovers, too! Cruel. Nonetheless, he brought out the ketchup, and I didn’t even blame him.

Oh, then I treated The Hubby to burnt flautas two nights later.  Lucky guy, eh!?

And the third meal this week? Leftover “refrigerator” pizza. The chicken from the flautas was actually really tasty, so I threw it on a pizza along with every other leftover veggie we had. The Fam actually liked this one, so I suppose the entire week wasn’t a bust.

So far this week has gotten two BIG thumbs up from both The Hubby and The Toddler. Let’s hope it continues! I’ll share “A Week of Wins” soon!

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Good luck and Happy Wednesday!

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