I recently traveled back home for my ten-year high school reunion. While in high school I remember thinking our ten year reunion sounded like it was eons away. But, nine (WOW! I just counted and am astonished by this number) house/ apartment/sorority house moves, college, two pups, a husband, a career change, and two babies […]
Our official last day in our little town was a sad one for me. The Uhaul was packed… And while The Hubby and his helper went to Spokane to unload our boxes, the kids and I went out to enjoy ourselves for one last outing since our house was pretty empty. I […]
I have had a few garage sales throughout the years and feel like I am the garage sale queen. I’m not joking. While I have only had two for my own family, I threw one for my parents last summer and I am proud to say that all three have brought in more than $1500. […]
Moving is clearly not fun for anyone, but I think with a little organization and the right tools, one’s life can be easier and a little less hectic while in transition from one home to the next. Since we just finished a big move ourselves, I decided to share five tips that made our experience easier. […]
For the past few seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette I have enjoyed making cupcakes that reflect the two remaining contestants on the night of the finale, and tonight is no different. See “The Lindsay” and “The Catherine” from last season’s finale here, and “The Jef With One F” and “The Arie” here. The […]
One of my main goals as we prepped for our big move was to have a massive garage sale. And I am talking massive. My idea going into the sale was that if I didn’t love it, then I would sell it. I am ready for a change in style and no longer want to […]
These DVDs had been haunting me for the last four years. Visible. Crammed. Falling (being pulled) off the shelves… …until a few days ago when I had had it. While packing, I glanced over and got frustrated by how much room they were going to take up once packed. So as soon as the […]
I previously mentioned that we are moving. Being someone that doesn’t deal with change easily, this has been a hard one for me to swallow. When I first moved to our town, I was miserable. I didn’t know many people, I was teaching at the high school and I lived in a small town, unlike […]
While pictures are absolutely priceless to me, having our wedding videotaped was something I am so thankful that I did. I love watching footage around the time of our anniversary every year and having a little highlight video, along with the whole shebang, makes it easy to do. The voice in the beginning is that […]
The Hubby and I are celebrating four years of marriage this week! When I think back to our wedding day it is hard for me to believe that it was already FOUR years ago, as I remember every wonderful detail. It was truly one of the most memorable, emotional, beautiful and joyous days of my […]