
A bittersweet goodbye

August 20, 2013

Our official last day in our little town was a sad one for me. The Uhaul was packed…


And while The Hubby and his helper went to Spokane to unload our boxes, the kids and I went out to enjoy ourselves for one last outing since our house was pretty empty.


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I realized I forgot to keep a few things out for our last night when it was a bit too late, including Gwyn’s jammies and a pillow for The Hubby. We compromised.


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The next morning we woke up and met our best friends for a little “see you later” breakfast. These two have become Gwyn and I’s closest friends and I will forever cherish what they have given us over the past three or so years.

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I was holding up pretty well so far, surprisingly well, until we were doing the last walk-through at the house.

The Hubby and I spent a couple HOURS putting this little tree up in Gwyn’s room before she was born. I didn’t have the heart to take it down and hope the little girl who uses this room keeps it up, too.


I then went out back and walked around a little bit before I noticed how well the garden that I never water is doing. My first real garden. I hope the new renters like home-grown veggies and that they carve the pumpkins that seem to be doing well for Halloween.


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My heart sank when I saw the sandbox built by The Hubby and his dad for Gwyn’s first birthday. It was then I noticed the faint and torn ribbon still tied around the trunk of the tree from her first birthday party. And I cried.

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Since Cal was already in the car, Gwyn and I took one last picture in front of our favorite apple tree.



And before we pulled away, a couple more friends came to say goodbye.



And as I pulled away from our first home, about to follow The Hubby to our new home, I lost it.

I broke  down.


It’s just so hard to say goodbye to so many memories.

The drive to our new home was dreary. It was a rainy day, which I took as a sign.


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And after we arrived in our new home and unloaded the last of our belongings, we hopped back in the car to pick up some pizza.

And you know what I spotted out my window as we left the pizza shop?

This guy. In this shirt.



Just okay, huh?

Clearly, another sign.

The very next morning, guess what we woke up to?



A nice, “Welcome to the neighborhood.”

We later found  out another neighbor a few houses down got hit too, so it wasn’t a personal attack.

But still…. a sign….

I am looking at this new adventure with a positive spin, but it just isn’t starting off very well. Here’s to hoping it picks up, stat!

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