
“The Chris” and “The Drew”- Bachelorette-Inspired Cupcakes

August 6, 2013

For the past few seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette I have enjoyed making cupcakes that reflect the two remaining contestants on the night of the finale, and tonight is no different.

See “The Lindsay” and “The Catherine” from last season’s finale here, and “The Jef With One F” and “The Arie” here.

The finale snuck up on me this time around, though, and it was about 2:00 pm today when I realized tonight was the night and I needed to get my tail in high gear if I was going to make the cupcakes in time.

So while the kiddos napped, I whipped around my new kitchen and came up with “The Chris” and “The Drew.”

“The Chris” is a  bran & oat muffin, because he seems a bit bland and is just kind-of…there, and is topped with a chocolate butter cream  and strawberry slice since chocolate and strawberries are typically a romantic indulgence. Doodles and lovey-dovey poetry also adorn these cupcakes in white chocolate since Chris is such an amazing poet.


“The Drew” is a fruity banana cupcake with a marshmallow fluff butter cream and is adorned with a sweet banana chip and  pretty rainbow sprinkles. 🙂


Because… he’s pretty. That is all. 🙂

So which cupcake  is it going to be? “The Chris” or “The Drew!?”

Chris, Drew, Desiree, The Bachelorette





Happy finale watching!

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