A Vintage Baseball-Themed Baby Shower!

This past Saturday two of my best friends threw me a fabulous vintage baseball-inspired baby shower. Their attention to detail was incredible and we all had a wonderful time! The “Concession Stand” Including such yummies as a Nacho Bar Some very pretty fruit skewers! Popcorn! Come get your popcorn! PEANUTS! MmMmm… You can’t sit through […]

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Water Break-Dance!

You know in the movies when a pregnant woman’s water breaks while in the comfort of her home, and she then excitedly tells her husband “It’s time!” and they grab their already packed bag sitting by the front door, happily drive to the hospital, hand-in-hand, and are excitedly chatting away in the birthing room, waiting […]

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Giddyup! Or Slow It Down?

Pregnant women should get a handicap sign for their car. End of story. Maybe to be more fair, pregnant women who are one month away from having their baby should get a handicap sign. I am moving pretty slowly these days, and it wasn’t until recently that this happened. I don’t remember feeling this way […]

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“Tonight, On The Bachelor…”

Once again, I enjoyed another memorable evening with my husband watching The Bachelor, or “The Bach” as we like to call it. I realize not everyone watches this show, but those of you who do might know what I am talking about in regards to Monday night’s episode. Here are our thoughts throughout the show: […]

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DIY | Life

From In-House to Dog House

As I have mentioned before, once we found out about Baby #2, the Hubby was kicked out of our spare bedroom/office. I thought he would be a little more disappointed than he was though. Instead, he took this news as a challenge and turned our old dog/tool shed into his new home office. I thought… […]

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A Side of Ketchup, Please.

My friends, and even Mother, keep insisting on how wonderful the crock pot is. I have very few encounters with this thing and the meals I have made from it have turned out rather, well just plain bad. A few years ago when I was newly pregnant with my daughter, I had a strong aversion […]

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The Lock Out

Composed yesterday. My daughter just locked herself in our bedroom. I thought kids did this when they were like… FOUR… not 21 months! We were playing a little game where she would shut the door on me and we’d take turns yelling back and forth to one another. I’d then open the door, say “I […]

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The Swimsuit Issue

For part of my husband’s 30th birthday, I ordered him a subscription to Sports Illustrated. This magazine comes once a week and he seems to enjoy them. Harmless, right? One thing I completely forgot about when deciding to get this for him was The Swimsuit Issue. You know, the one that has nothing to do […]

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Code Red

A new rule has been implemented in our household. The hubby has requested that I no longer “wake him up.” Of course I never intentionally try to wake him up, but on occasion it just happens. For example: Hubby is laying in bed and we are chatting away. He then turns over to get comfortable, and 1-2 minutes […]

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Homemade Snickers!

The way to my man’s heart is definitely through his tummy. So, for Valentines Day I made him homemade Snickers, and let me tell you… he was through. the. roof. He couldn’t believe I had made such a thing and that they “actually taste just like a Snickers!” Big smile! And while a little time […]

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