
Water Break-Dance!

March 2, 2012

You know in the movies when a pregnant woman’s water breaks while in the comfort of her home, and she then excitedly tells her husband “It’s time!” and they grab their already packed bag sitting by the front door, happily drive to the hospital, hand-in-hand, and are excitedly chatting away in the birthing room, waiting for it all to “begin?”

That’s what I want!

Last time, I was induced at 41 weeks and had my water broken in the hospital. Sure, I didn’t have a mess to clean up at home… but I want to experience that moment when my body is naturally telling me it is time for our son to be born.

I am, though, hoping it doesn’t happen while I am out in public by myself because  I really don’t know how I would react…

Do you just leave it there? Or do you tell someone? “Uhh, excuse me, Sir, would you mind cleaning up my amniotic fluid over there next to the tootsie rolls?”

What if someone sees it happen? Do you say something to him/her? “Oh! Pardon me! …I should probably go… watch out for that puddle there!”

What if someone slips on it?

I think I’ll just pray that doesn’t happen and just leave!

I realize not many women experience their water breaking before labor begins, but I want to be one of them!

I could see myself doing this when (if) I go past my due date:
Water break-dance…don’t watch if this kind of thing bothers you.

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