
Giddyup! Or Slow It Down?

March 1, 2012

Pregnant women should get a handicap sign for their car. End of story.

Maybe to be more fair, pregnant women who are one month away from having their baby should get a handicap sign.

I am moving pretty slowly these days, and it wasn’t until recently that this happened. I don’t remember feeling this way while pregnant with Gwyneth, but I feel like if I move too quickly at times, then he [my son] is going to fall out. Jut fall riiiiiiiight out.

Having a real fear of this, I just did a quick Google search to see if this has happened before, and to my comfort I am pleased to announce that I was not able to locate such an article. But you know what did come up during my search? In the Google search engine I began typing “Has a baby ever” and you know what Google predicted I would type next? “…been born with a mustache?” (!!!)

Egad! HAS a baby ever been born with a mustache!?!? Of course I clicked on that and you know what then came up!? “Babies With Beards.” And you know what the first line in that article said? “Hundreds, perhaps even thousands of babies with beards are born each year.” 

Oh that’s just great. Fabulous.

At times there is just so much pressure, especially when I have been walking around a while, that I have to consciously tell myself to slow it down or I am going to be delivering my baby in aisle 14 next to the canned goods.

I was even passed by Giddyup Granny at the grocery store today. This is when I thought…. lucky Granny (I actually thought of another word here, but now feel guilty for thinking it when referring to a Grandma, even if she was rather pushy) with her handicap sticker. Pfff. She has it easy. 😉 Walker schmalker.


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