The Busy Bin- A Just In Case

One of the things I was most nervous about before I had Calvin was what to do with Gwyneth when I needed to nurse Calvin. Would she allow me to sit and do my thing? Or would she become a little jealous and want my attention too? In preparing for the worst, I put together […]

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Road Trippin’, Zoo Goin’ & a Mini Meltdown

Over Memorial Day weekend the family and I went on our first “Family of Four” road trip. I tried to be as prepared as possible and packed everything ahead of time with each child’s necessities in their own little suitcase so that there wouldn’t be a lot of fishing around for items. I even checked […]

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Comparing Doctor Visits and A SURPRISE From Cal!

Before Gwyneth’s first doctor appointment where she was to receive shots, I was a nervous wreck. I did as much research on reactions to vaccines and pain relief as I could, and I pretty much planned the whole day around this horrible event. I also had a very sick feeling in my stomach. I dressed […]

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Baby Cal Turns Two… Months!

Already two months old! And I LOOOOOOVE these smiles!!! They make waking up in the night worth it. Okay, no. They don’t. I lied. Yes, they’re very cute… but I would prefer sleep right about now. “Posing for these pics makes me want to hurl.” “Hiya!” “Peek-a-boo!” “What, not cute!?” “Two months… no big whoop.” […]

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DIY | Life

The Story Behind the Ducks…

Getting real ducks to come to Gwyneth’s birthday party was something I thought would be a stretch. I did a little googling and didn’t find many sources for “baby ducks” around the area at the time, so I decided to post a Craigslist ad. It was titled something like, “Baby ducks wanted to rent for daughter’s birthday […]

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Gwynnie’s 2nd Ducky Birthday Bash!

Gwynnie’s 2nd Ducky Birthday Bash was an absolute blast and we all had a wonderful time! There were a few surprises too that just about sent the birthday girl over-the-moon! Looks like a few duckies have been waddling around these parts! The food and treat table. Everything was home-made with love! Ducky Oreos Strawberry and […]

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Homemade HEALTHY Granola Bars!

These healthy granola bars are SO easy to make, taste the, and I feel good about giving them to my family! Or eating the majority of them myself….. Here is the original recipe and below is the adapted recipe that I made with my alternatives. Ingredients: 2 cups rolled oats 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup […]

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