
Comparing Doctor Visits and A SURPRISE From Cal!

June 1, 2012

Before Gwyneth’s first doctor appointment where she was to receive shots, I was a nervous wreck. I did as much research on reactions to vaccines and pain relief as I could, and I pretty much planned the whole day around this horrible event. I also had a very sick feeling in my stomach.

I dressed Gwyn in a onesie so that I didn’t have to put clothes on her again once the shots were administered, therefore preventing any unnecessary bumps or touches to the sore spots. I made sure the diaper bag was fully stocked, including anything she might possibly want or need. I made sure to have a warm bottle of milk on hand so that if needed after the painful pricks, she’d be comforted. Or if she wanted the boobie, I made sure those were full too. I brought along infant Tylenol in case she needed pain relief right away too. And we also arrived early. Because that’s just what I do.
The Hubby and I both went, and he was the brave sole who held her while the whole process went down.
And I cried in the corner like a sissy.
It felt awful hearing my baby scream in pain while I had to just sit there and watch. I actually didn’t even really watch. I literally stood across the room and cried. Way to be there for your kid, huh?
Gwyneth screamed, of course, and The Hubby whisked her away outside so the cool breeze would cool her down, which she tended to enjoy often. This, combined with a little nursing, calmed her right down. And then she was silent, like, “No big, whoop.”
We then went home and I expected her to be so tired and in pain from the shots. Yes, she was maybe a little more fussy and slept a tidbit longer, but all was pretty normal. Overall, she was a champ and it wasn’t nearly the charade as I thought it’d be.
This time around for Calvin’s first appointment was very different. Since I am currently packing for Reno, I was busy trying to get things done around the house and while I did manage to bring the diaper bag and put him in a onesie, I didn’t bring an extra bottle of milk or Infant Tylenol. I DID just feed the little guy before we left, and I did briefly scour the house for the Tylenol, but I couldn’t find any so we just left.
Boys are tough, right? I also didn’t feel very sick to my stomach. Pretty normal, actually…
Daddy hanging with his boy before being seen by the doc.
When the time came for the shots, The Hubby held the little guy while Gwyneth sat in my lap on the bench.
We watched, and as the shots went in, Gwyneth repeatedly said, “Owie! Owie!” obviously remembering her own shot a couple of weeks earlier.
Calvin cried, but with a little bobbing up and down by The Hubby, he quickly quieted down and was a-okay. No big whoop.
And did I cry?
Nope. I winced, yes, but I didn’t react nearly the same as I did the first time around.
Is this because I have now “been there, done that?”
Made me ponder.
In other news, Calvin rolled over for the first time at his appointment!!!

The pediatrician was looking him over on the table and turned him onto his tummy to check his neck and body strength. He was pushing himself up with his arms and the doctor said how she thought he was really close to rolling over and that he’d probably do it any day now…. and as she was saying that, there he went! Right onto his back. It was a pretty cool moment and we all cheered and threw our hands up.

Right before he made the roll
And right after.

Calvin weighed in at a healthy 13.8 pounds (90th %) and is 23.75 inches long (77th%). And for all you wondering about his head… a very normal 15.7 cm (45%). (The Hubby has a large head. He even had to have a special helmet when he played football…so yeah, I was worried! 🙂 Whew! )

Happy Friday!!

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