Babies change expressions incredibly fast. One evening, Baby Cal was being overly expressive, so I thought I’d play copycat for a while. It was hard keeping up with the little guy! He is SO much fun […]
I forgot my child in a box. Before you go calling Child Protective Services on me, let me explain. Last night I had a dream that some (unidentified) people and I were taking various items to another (unidentified) location, and because I couldn’t carry the items and my children all at once, I put everything and […]
I almost had a meltdown yesterday. My (almost) meltdown occurred on the way home from an afternoon outing with my kiddos and mother. I could tell Gwyn was getting irritable and since it was lunchtime, I decided to grace miss Gwyn with her very first Happy Meal before heading home.This is when I concluded that […]
Alright, it’s time to settle this once and for all. When finishing a meal and/or doing the dishes do you… a.) Dump the remaining food in the trash and then clean your plate with dish soap so that all remaining food particles are cleaned off….basically cleaning the plate by hand before placing in the dishwasher. […]
Wearing mommy’s bra and inserting her own unmentionables. So observational. Oh the life of a nursing mom. So attractive.
Do you remember going to the grocery store as a child and getting a cookie from the nice ladies in the bakery? Score!!! That was the absolute highlight of the trip. And the best part was if the cookie was a sprinkle cookie. Then it was a double score. Back home I shop at Walmart […]
I’d like you all to meet my new best friend. Actually, we used to be uber close about two years ago. We’d spend a few hours each day together, not necessarily all at once, but sporadically throughout. And during this time, we REALLY got to know one another. But then as time went on, we […]
I hope he adores her as much as she adores him some day… I love these two.
(Composed last weekend) I am still running on “high.” I just got home from my FIRST overnight trip away from Baby Cal and Gwyn… BY. MY….SELF. And all I can say is….. Wow. I had so many emotions running through me this weekend I don’t even know where to begin! One of my best pals […]
What a COMPLETELY different experience! The adventure from Spokane to Reno this time around with Calvin was a Buh-REEZE compared to my experience flying solo with Gwyn a couple years ago. While traveling solo with my little man still made me nervous, I tried to prepare as best I could this time around, learning from my […]