
Happy Meal Meltdown

June 26, 2012

I almost had a meltdown yesterday.

My (almost) meltdown occurred on the way home from an afternoon outing with my kiddos and mother. I could tell Gwyn was getting irritable and since it was lunchtime, I decided to grace miss Gwyn with her very first Happy Meal before heading home.This is when I concluded that the Happy Meal was named not because it makes the children happy, but because it REALLY makes the parents happy to be able to pick something up so quickly that instantly changes everyone’s mood.


With Happy Meal in tow, I turned Gwyn’s DVD player on to keep her occupied as we made our way back to the house, which would take about twenty five minutes. Because we’ve been staying in a rental house I didn’t know how to get back yet, so I also had the GPS going.
This is when things started going downhill. Somehow Gwyneth knew that we had fries in the car, even though she’s never eaten lunch there before, and kept asking Grandma for fries. Because the little thing was pretty hungry, and because it kept her calm, Grandma kept passing them back upon polite request. But about every ten seconds I’d hear, “More! More please!” which began to strike a nerve.
 And then Gwyn’s movie ended and it continually played the theme song on repeat. SUPER DUPER!

So then I had…
Gwyn: “More fries!” 

Grandma: “More what, Gwyneth?” 

Gwyn: “More fries, please!” 

Annoying theme songThen, the highway has apparently changed since I’d last driven on it and I took the wrong exit. Not only that, but the lane immediately merged into oncoming traffic and I had to slam on the brakes before getting sideswiped by a semi. HOLY HEART RACE!

Gwyn: “More! More fries!”
Grandma: “More what, Gwyneth?”
Gwyn: “More fries, please!”
Annoying theme song. Holy heart race.
But, I managed to get us turned around and back in the right direction. And then my GPS went out. Oh help me, Lord! 

Gwyn: “More! More! More!”

Grandma: “More what, Gwyneth?”
Gwyn: “More fries, please!”
Annoying theme song. Holy heart race. Over-the-top anxiety!

I’m sure you see the pattern here, but through all of this sweet, precious, angelic Baby Cal slept the whole time.

Did I ever mention that he is my favorite? Ohhhhh yeah. Totally favorite. 🙂
 Oh, and I forgot to add that I was also driving my husband’s big truck with the huge camper shell that you can’t see out the rear-view due to.Gwyn: “Fries! Fries! Fries!”

Grandma: “More what, Gwyneth?”
Gwyn: “More fries, please!”
Annoying theme song. Holy heart race. Over-the-top anxiety! Can’t see a damn thing!

Nonetheless, we made it home all in one piece, without any tears too!

Do you ever feel like you are being watched over?

I do.

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