
The Trek From Spokane to Reno…Our Journey Traveling Alone With The Kids

June 8, 2012

What a COMPLETELY different experience!

The adventure from Spokane to Reno this time around with Calvin was a Buh-REEZE compared to my experience flying solo with Gwyn a couple years ago.

While traveling solo with my little man still made me nervous, I tried to prepare as best I could this time around, learning from my mistakes the first time.

This time, I wore my running shoes.

No joke.

And running pants and top, too. I mostly wore these because they were new and I felt super hip and fit in my running outfit. The outfit I have yet to actually run in. But, I thought I very well could be if this time were anything like the last!

I also brought the stroller along with me this time. HUGE, HUGE, HUGE help! The diaper bag and Bjorn were stowed below ever-so-conveniently and Baby Cal traveled with ease. The only part that made me a tid bit frustrated was when going through security, they made me take the stroller apart and put everything through the scanner… so I had to do all of this while trying to hold Calvin. NOT EASY! I also didn’t bring any breast milk with me so that I didn’t have to wait around for them to wave their magic stick over it only to conclude that I didn’t store any poison in the stuff.

Did anyone offer to help during this process? No. The security guard just kept pointing to everything that needed to go through the scanner and how I should place it on the belt. Ra-HUDE!

Nonetheless, we made it through and I then had to reassemble everything. Thank you, Calvin John for making this easy on me and just hanging out. I love you. I love you, dear boy.

Since my father-in-law took me to the airport that morning, I arrived in plenty of time and did not have to rush around one bit. I had about an hour before departure, and Cal was starting to get a little fussy, so I made myself a little station in a nice cushy chair and nursed the little dude wearing my new nursing cover (Thanks, Christina!). That went smoothly and by the time he was done, there were a lot of people around me who were “Oooing” and “Awwwwing” at the previously hidden baby .

That is, until he projectile vomited on my new running pants. Then it was more like, “Eeewwww.” Of course I had a spare change of clothing for myself in case of such an event…Okay no, joking! Of course I did NOT have a spare change of clothing… even I’m not THAT prepared. I just had to wear it like a champ.

I did not feel so hip and fit anymore.

A quick diaper change and then a sweet old  woman offered to take the diaper sack to the trash. And I let her! So nice!

I then tried walking Cal around the airport in his carseat in hopes that he’d fall asleep.. but that didn’t really happen. He was quiet though! Before long we were boarding the plane and I was allowed to take the carseat with me since there were some empty seats. This, was awesome. He did have to sit by the window though, which meant he and I were trapped on the inside… IF someone was brave enough to sit by us. I wonder what people would have done had I put Cal by the window and took the aisle seat? Would anyone dare sit by my baby? Haha. This thought is funny to me.

The CUTEST old lady asked if the aisle seat was taken and I couldn’t have been happier with our guest. She was a great-grandma herself traveling to see her grandchild graduate from college. So if any fussing were to occur, I knew she’d understand. But, I brought Cal’s sound machine with me, turned that on and stuck it in the seat with him, put a cover over his seat and before long, he was snoozin’! Yeah, baby! He slept for most of the first 45 minute flight, but started to squirm as we began our descent. Afraid the pressure would hurt his ears, I started nursing him and he was golden until we landed.


We then changed planes and this time, a man sat next to us. About a minute in he informed me that he was curious why there was an aisle seat still open so close to the front of the plane when he was going by, and then when he saw us, he got it.

It must’ve been us or a middle seat left.

This guy was kind of a character. He was deaf in one ear, the ear closest to me, so I awkwardly had to lean forward a little to talk into his good ear. At least I think I did. Maybe he could hear just fine from where I was sitting and I was awkwardly being rude?  Hmm..

Once again, Cal slept for the first half with the help of a little fan I brought along. I thought it might get a little stuffy in his carseat, so I brought Gwyneth’s M&M candy fan (that she still has no idea contains actual M&Ms) and fanned his little bod, helping to keep him comfortable. And again, when he started to fuss, I just  took him out and nursed him in fear of pissing off those around me. He was then content and just chilled the rest of the way.

When we finally landed I was in disbelief…. that wasn’t too bad at all!!! HOORAY! We made it and I wasn’t crying!

If you were wondering about The Hubby and Gwyneth, they too had an awesome experience. They left our house that morning at 6:20. And this is what the back of the truck looked like…

Gwyneth was raring to go…

Front seat packed with snacks

The Hubby said Gwyn just watched her movies, played with her toys, took her usual nap on cue and talked with her daddy the whole way there. She got an A+++. Not one meltdown or tear. And they arrived to my parents’ house at 7:30 that night.


And this was my little travel buddy.

A HUGE thank you to Gwyn and Cal for making our travels much easier than anticipated! You guys rock!

So overall, 100X better than a couple of years ago with Baby Gwyn. Let’s hope we all have the same experience when traveling back home!

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