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Our Laundry Room Refresh + Sources

March 24, 2021

Our laundry room has come a loooooooong way. It used to be an L-shaped room off of our kitchen and was pretty cramped. Because we had a formal dining room that we never used (it ended up being a catch-all room that was a complete eye-sore), we decided to turn that into our new laundry room and it would become a room we use daily


This has been our plan for the last couple of years and we have taken on different aspects of it when we could, which started with building the green lockers and creating a long desk area for when our kids needed to do homework. (Blog posts on that HERE and HERE.) Little did we know the next year would include them using it daily during quarantine, we were so thankful to have that space for them to do their school work. We never put anything permanent against the back wall because that is where we imagined our washer and dryer would go someday when we were officially able to turn it into our laundry room.

Fast-forward a couple of years and with the big kitchen remodel complete, we no longer had that little laundry room which meant it was time to finish out the mudroom/laundry room.

We started by extending the wall to this room so that we could build a big barn door to shut it off when we wanted to. With this room being in the middle of our main floor, we imagined it being open for the most part, but we wanted to be able to close the doors if needed when company comes over, or if the laundry got to be too loud.

Once that wall was finished, we ripped out the white carpet which I was SO grateful to see go, and we installed cement-looking tile which we have been SO happy with. To read all about it, you can go HERE. It was the easiest tile that required NO thinset!

Once that was in we started on the barn door, and this proved to be quite the project. The door is SO heavy and so big, and we learned a lot while making it, but my goodness, it was so worth the efforts. My husband was able to make my vision come to life and it is now a focal point of our home. I just love it so much. I saved how we did this to my Instagram highlight under “barn door” if you’d like to see the process in how he built it.

We then put another door on the entryway from the kitchen, and this room was complete.

We now use this room every single day for multiple reasons and it just makes me so happy that we were able to turn a room that used to be a catch-all into a functioning space.

Below are the links for everything linkable in the room.

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As always, thanks for stopping by!

<3 Shannon


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  1. It looks so fantastic. So much of you both in that room now, with the projects built and the design choices. You won’t know which room to hang out in most now with all of the wonderful additions you’ve made to your home! Well done!! Oh, where did the ceiling light come from? Or did I miss that?

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