
The No-Meal Menu Planning Monday- Fail

January 4, 2015

We got back from our trip last night and I am wiped…. out.

As in,  it takes a lot of energy to move. And to think.

The traveling itself went fine. Not exactly relaxing, but I wasn’t in tears, so I call that a win! And it was kind-of an all-day thing with layovers and my sometimes neurotic personality of getting the house put back together right away in order to feel peace once home.

I sat down this afternoon to do my meal-planning  for the week and I decided to take a nap instead! That NEVER happens because I am just not a napper.

But, I am coming down with something and my eyes can barely keep themselves open.

Right now.

Head-nodding going on.

Am I even making sense? I can’t tell. I feel loopy.

So, my apologies. I have no idea what we are going to be eating this week and it is going to be one of those weeks where I just throw things together and hope for the best.

Not great. But even as I lay here now, mouth agape in a yawn, I just have zero energy.

I think this is a sign that I just need to go to bed.


I am going to listen to my body,

And it is telling me to sleeeeeeeeeeeeep.


What are you having for dinner this week? Anything note-worthy?

See, I can’t even focus.

I am going now.




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