
Highlights of my 20’s

January 7, 2015

Last month I joined a new decade and left behind my twenties.

Le Sigh…

And while lying in bed the other night I started to think about the past ten years and am amazed by everything that has happened.

A LOT has happened. No wonder I am already starting to wrinkle!

Here are the highlights.

20- In college. In a sorority. Working at a restaurant. Met my future husband. (P.S.- That’s uhhhhh…. juice.)


21- Started dating my future husband. Graduated from college. (Those shades! HAHA!)


22- Got engaged! Completed my student teaching. Now a certified English teacher!


23-First “big girl” job teaching Freshman and Junior English in Reno, NV. IMG_0958

24- Married my husband! Bought our first home. Quit our jobs. Moved states so The Hubby could go back to school. Taught honors Freshman, Senior English and AP Senior English.  And toward the end of this year, got pregnant! (WJEW!)


25- Had our first born, Gwyneth! Became a stay-at-home mom.


26. Hmmm…. Uhhhhh…. Was 26 just a “Meh” year? Oh! Started a little baking business and was also pregnant with our second, to0. 🙂

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27- Had our babe, Calvin! Started my blog!


28- Packed up our life and moved cities.


29-Bought our forever home. Sold our first home. Moved into a temporary house for a month until our house was done. Then moved into our new home.


While super busy, I am so thankful for this blessed life and family I have been given. I only hope my 30’s are this good to me!  I wouldn’t mind if they slowed down a bit, though!

Thanks for stopping by!


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