DIY | Life

The Great New Years Eve Nilla Races

January 2, 2015

I have never been one to get super excited about New Years Eve. Especially in pertaining to going out. Long lines, higher prices and fixed menus just isn’t my cup of tea. But, since we were staying with some of our best friends for the holiday, I left it up to them to decide how the night would go.

So when they decided to stay in I wasn’t going to argue!

To make it fun for the kiddos, I put together these little New Years Eve “poppers” filled with age appropriate goodies for the kids. And they loved them!





Once the babes all went to bed, we had ourselves a little grown-up dinner; delicious, uninterrupted and filled with great conversation.





After dinner we played a little cards and then the Great New Years Nilla Races began.





You guys.

You need to do this!

Get yourself a box of Nilla Wafers, some family and friends and your abs will get the best workout ever.

Whoever is competing gets one Nilla Wafer. Place on the center of the forehead and whoever can get the Nilla to their mouth first without touching it with your hands, wins. We’ve played that if the Nilla drops, then you’re out. And we’ve also played that you can start over as many times as you need. Below were our last games of the night, and they actually had a bet on the line.

Whoever lost, two out of three, had to get up with the kids in the morning.

So there was clearly a lot on the line, here!

A promised good time that had us howling in laughter!

Thanks for stopping by!

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