
Learning From Big Sis and Turning 1 Month Old! (And the winner of the growth chart is…)

May 3, 2012
For the most part, Gwyn leaves her brother alone. But when he is actually made “available” for playing, she sure does take advantage of the opportunity.
Big Sister Gwyn showing Cal how to play with his floor gym.

Teaching Cal how to do a puzzle.

And then she thought, “You know… you look like a good little table!”

Giving Cal a big squeeze… maybe a little too hard…

Resulting in this face…

Baby yawn!

Beautiful boy…

Gwyn also thought it’d be fun to put stickers on her brother.

And she said, “Cute!”

Trying to take him for a walk…

Later this week Cal met his Great Grandma D.

And on Sunday, Little Man turned one month old!

Help me!

Baby sneeze!

Baby Cal gave us his first intentional smile on April 25th, a few days before turning a month old. The Hubby and I were both sitting on the couch with him to witness this milestone, and it was such a delight to be able to see it for the first time together. Warmed our hearts. 🙂
Happy Thursday!!!
The winner of the growth chart is CariAnne!!! Congrats, Cari! I will bring it with me when I come to Reno in June! Hope your kiddos enjoy it!

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