
He Peed On Me.

May 2, 2012
I still struggle when changing Little Man’s diaper. I mean, it’s actual work when changing the thing!
 His little frog legs extend to and fro in no such predictable manner; he’s crying half the time, which just heightens my anxiety and makes my blood pressure skyrocket; I am trying to keep his little man part covered so that we aren’t doused in pee, but I have yet to discover a method that works for me as everything either falls or gets kicked off; and all of this is happening while trying to wipe up poo and get cream and a diaper on his bum.
Today, I was very close to being finished as I was grasping for the last little tab to secure everything in place when I heard the sound. The one you do not want to hear after going through ALL of that and being so close to the finish line.
That wet, squirty, farty sound of your babe pushing out another drippy doodoo.
So off that diaper went and I quickly wiped his bum, applied cream, and a new diaper was then placed underneath him right as more poo shot out.
THAT diaper was removed, his bum wiped, cream applied, and ANOTHER diaper was placed under his bum as I juggled his now super jittery frog legs and keeping the peepee teepee in place. I knew my time was limited and I needed to keep moving quickly before I was going to pay for it. I couldn’t stop staring at his wee wee. Praying nothing would come out.
It was like looking down the barrel of a gun.
“I am so close! Come on buddy, work with me here!”
Right as I went to push his little wee wee downward ( because I learned my lesson!!! ) and put the diaper against his tummy, a strong force of pee shot out, resulting in me producing a high-pitched scream/yelp.
 It scares the living sh*t out of me every time.
What did I do after the initial scream?
Oh you know… just try to catch it… because that makes sense.
After a split second I realized catching it would not solve anything and turned to blocking it with my hand, protecting my face. Sure, my face was saved, but the sweatshirt…. it took a hit.
So of course, once again, the diaper was removed and the routine was repeated. Except this time I wasn’t worried about being shot in the face with pee… because you know…. I’d already been hit.
I hope to figure this whole ordeal out soon!

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