
Letting Go. A Little Bit. Maybe? No. I Don’t Want To.

May 4, 2012
Before, when we would take Gwyneth to the park or to a play area, one of us was always going with Gwyneth up the stairs, across the bridges, and down the slides, making sure she could climb the stairs okay or that she wouldn’t fall over the side.
I’m not sure when it happened, but now she wants to do all of this alone. In fact, she has asked us to stay put as she ventures off by herself. Picking our bottom lips off the ground, we of course had to let her grow up and do these kinds of things on her own.
But we sure as heck didn’t want to! She’s not even two yet and wants to leave us in the dust!?
She did NOT get up on this by herself. The Hubby put her up there as I watched in fear from a bench with Cal. Gwyn sat up there for a minute, contemplating what to do…
And then she went for it, just about giving me a heart attack. That was so high up! Such a risk taker!

And this was Gwyn telling me to stay put as she went off on her own. TEARS!

Watching to make sure I am still “staying put.”

Round and round and round she went.

At least she still does things like this! PLEASE tell me this will never end and she will ALWAYS want to kiss me in public!

Sweet as pie!!!

Happy Friday! Praying for warm weather this weekend!

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