
When Gwynnie Met Cal

April 9, 2012
One of my biggest anxieties was how Gwyneth was going to react to her new baby brother. Would she be confused? Would she hate him? Or would she be overjoyed? Would she even care? I just didn’t know.
As I was “OoOing” and “awwwing” over my freshly born son…
Little Gwyn was just outside our door waiting to come in and see us.
We had a nurse take Baby Cal out of the room so that when Gwyn entered we could have some alone time with her first. We snuggled and kissed..
and asked her if she wanted to meet “HER” new baby.
She said yes.

Baby Cal came in..

And she said, ” My baby?”

And then she wanted to feed him cheese.

Our family. 🙂
Gwyn and Cal got each other gifts. Calvin got Gwyn a doggie doctor purse thingie, which she LOVES..

And Gwyn gave Cal a musical lamb… which Gwyn also loves. Might be hers now too….

The next thing she did was inspect all his little baby parts…

And she then decided she wanted to hold his hand…

right before giving him the biggest smooch of his life..

I mean she REALLY got after it!

That had better be the biggest kiss of BOTH of their lives! 😉

A little baby break for a wagon ride, a definite highlight of the day.
She loves to touch his soft skin…

(Side note… LOOK AT THAT HAIR!!! We have HAIR people! Gwyn was born bald, so this was a total surprise!)

And wiggle his little toes…

And hug on him all day long. Heart melted.

The kisses are endless..

And she hopes for them in return…

I think she is in love.

To celebrate, we had a birthday party for Baby Cal. Gwyn thought this was the greatest.

I got a little more alone snuggle time with my girl…

The Hubby then shared some time with his two babes.

And Mommy went to sleep.

Gwyn has done nothing but shower her new baby brother, “Talvin,” with love since he has been home. Who knows if this will last, but I am soaking it all up in the meantime.

It warms my heart to see my big babe loving on my little babe.

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