
The Dress

April 11, 2012

One of the biggest joys to being a mommy to a little girl is being able to dress her up in the cutest of clothes. So as Easter was approaching, I slowly began putting her Easter outfit together. Except this year, I wasn’t the one doing all of the choosing.

Nearly two years ago Gwyneth received a dress from her Great Grandma M. It was a size 2T, and obviously couldn’t be worn for a while, so it hung in the back of her closet.

Great Grandma M took a special liking to Little Gwyneth. None of us were really sure why, either. Living in a nursing home 45 minutes away made it difficult to visit often with a new baby, but we tried our best. And Great Grandma M lit up every single time.

We were incredibly surprised one afternoon when Great Grandma M arranged to come and visit us. She NEVER left her little town, so this was a HUGE deal. It took several people to make it happen; getting her ready to go, getting her in and out of the car, lifting her up the steps to the house, etc. Going through all of this effort just reinforced the special bond that these two ladies had.

While putting Gwyneth’s clothes away a few weeks ago, I came across the dress and just knew that it had to be her Easter dress this year. It would fit her perfectly and make so many happy to see her in it.

Great Grandma M passed away nearly a year ago now. She never got to see Gwyneth in the dress. But since the dress just now fit Gwyn so perfectly, right around the Easter holiday, it’s almost like she had planned it that way and was looking down on us with the warmest Great Grandma M smile on that Easter Sunday.

Seeing Gwyneth in that dress brought back many happy memories for the family. It also brought back a bit of hurt. Seeing Great Grandma M’s son, Gwyneth’s “Poppie,” watch her twirl in her pretty new dress made me choke up inside, and also incredibly happy that Great Grandma M was able to help me dress our little girl on that special day.

Miss her.

As Gwyneth gets older, the holidays become more and more fun. For me! And her too, I suppose. 🙂

This is just a little Easter weekend recap…

At first Gwyneth was terrified of the Easter Bunny. But before long…

Playing peek-a-boo
And a game of catch too.
He was putty in her little hands.
Happy Easter!

Coloring eggs with Mommy

Doing the very important job of putting the stickers on.

Wanting to help with the “Big Girl” job… and I said, “What the heck” and let her. And it was great fun.

The Egg Hunt at the park. There were an incredible amount of eggs, and each age group was sectioned off, which I thought was way cool. This was the two-year-old area.

Scoping out the scene.

Waiting in anticipation.

And she’s off!

How does she know what to do? We didn’t practice beforehand… is this toddler intuition?

She is now obsessed with the Easter Bunny. She left the egg hunt and ran over to see him. Her?

Terrified of WSU’s mascot.

Easter baskets

Our angel children. Whoa. We have children.

I cherish these moments and memories with my family.

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