
My Top Five Favorite Memories/Experiences from Maui: Part 3

June 6, 2013

Part 1

Part 2

Shopping with The Hubby

We spent a good day or so shopping around Front Street and Wailer’s Village. We wanted to bring the kids home a few souvineers, as well as a little something  for those helping to make our trip possible by helping with kids and dogs.

I’ll start by saying, I always enjoy shopping with my Hubby. We are both patient with one another, we have a good time just browsing various stores, and this time we found ourselves having a few great laughs, as well as ending the day walking in the rain as the sun set behind us.

Below are just a few glimpses into our day.

I am sure by now you have seen someone wearing those shoes that look like feet? Well, somehow, The Hubby and I found ourselves trying on a pair, just to see what they were like.



Low five!



Took them for a jaunt around the block. But, that’s as far as they went with us.





Found a photobooth.


Enjoying the little tree forest in Front Street while we took a break.



While we didn’t buy a ton on our trip, we really put a lot of thought into the things we did buy and we just enjoyed each other’s company not having anywhere to be, not having to sprint from store to store to make it home in time for naps, not having to change diapers in random bathrooms, not having to pick the clothes up off the shelves that were pulled down, and every other lovely obstacle that comes with shopping with children. 

We just browsed……. and it was lovely. 🙂

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