
My Top Five Favorite Memories/Experiences from Maui: Part 1

June 3, 2013

The Hubby and I got back from Hawaii at the end of last week, and I don’t mean to rub it in, but it was uh-may-zing.

I started writing a summary of our trip for this post and went off on so many small tangents that I decided to break it up into my top five favorite memories/experiences.

In no particular order, as they all were special and incredible in their own way….


I wouldn’t consider myself a snorkeler…. until the end of our trip, that is.

I snorkeled a bit with The Hubby on our Honeymoon four years ago, and while it was fun, I got cold, I despised the taste of saltwater and we didn’t see as many fish as I had hoped.

BUT. The Hubby had a blast and if he could have, he would have spent the entire trip in the water.

So, for Father’s Day this year I got The Hubby a snorkel cruise to Molokini Crater and Turtle Town in Maui.

I told him about it in advance, and before he went he built his own GoPro (a type of video camera) extender to be sure and get REAL close to the fishy faces to get the best recordings and pictures.

Once in Hawaii we hit the beach and ended up at Black Rock, which according to reviews online, was an incredible snorkeling spot. Being the eager beavers that we were, we showed up to snorkel…. without any gear. So, we ended up getting douped into buying a $30 snorkel, no fins, mind you, which began to leak once we hit the water. But, no refunds! Of course….


The next day, while on the way to Molokini Crater on our snorkel cruise, we observed a few pretty amazing things.

1.) Bro 1 and Bro 2 were too proud and dude-ish to rub sunscreen on each other. And as a result, their sides were nice and protected from the harsh rays, but their backs were hit, hard.

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2.) The Snorkel King arrived on the boat fully dressed and equipped with his own snorkel gear, ready to take on anything that came in his path. He was fantastic.


3.) While on the way to Molokini The Hubby and I chatted with a super nice couple sitting next to us. Come to find out, they live in the city next to ours and the girl drives to our city twice a week to go to school where my hubby does and works in the office right next to his. Such a crazy coincidence and even now that we are back, we are still in touch with this sweet couple.

Once in the water, The Hubby and I did have a good time snorkeling around. We saw some pretty fish and coral, but that was about it. I had my heart set on seeing a turtle and we ended the trip, turtle-less. Luckily, they fed us a BBQ lunch and we enjoyed an open bar the entire way back, so that helped cure my disappointment.



Determined to find turtles, we asked around and were told that Honolua Bay way THE spot to see turtles. But you HAD to arrive early or you would not find parking. SO, we were up at 6:30 the next morning and arrived to the spot by 7:30. The hike down to the water was absolutely breath-taking. We kind-of felt like we were in an episode of Lost.



Well, our experience snorkeling there was a bust. My snorkel started leaking… my NEW snorkel,  and we weren’t seeing ANYTHING but pretty coral, so we left there pretty quickly. As we were packing up, though, biotch came running out of the water screaming how she saw four turtles.

And I wanted to sucker-punch her.

Our last attempt at snorkeling is what made me  into a snorkeler. We found a bay North of Ka’anapali and it forever changed my life. HA! Sounds a little dramatic, but snorkeling here was honestly one of the best experiences of my life!

Not only did we see a turtle…. we saw probably 30-40 turtles!!! AND an octopus, eels, as well as various fish. It was UNREAL!

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Having a little snack

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Hello, Octopus!


Turtle surfing!!!





Hi, friend. 🙂



Inching his way over to The Hubby







Eels creep me out.



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After SUCH a long time in the water, I peeled myself out, quite cold, but incredibly giddy.



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