
One of My Most Favorite New Pieces of Furniture…EVER.

January 8, 2015

When we first toured our home before purchase, one of the first things that drew me in was the long entryway. Mostly due to the fact that I simply love entryway benches. They’re just so useful, stylish AND practical.

And this home was perfect for the beloved entryway bench that I didn’t have….yet. 😉

I looked for a few months online, in stores and at craft events for something that would work.

I almost bought something at a vintage craft show that was just “okay.” The top was pretty cool, but the bottom was hideous and would need some work. And that baby had a price tag of $199….on sale.

Ultimately, (and now thankfully!) I held off and overall came up empty-handed.

Because our entryway is long, I wanted the bench to fit the space lengthwise proportionally,  but not take up too much walk-space from the door to the living room.

I wanted it to be chunky, too. To be a statement piece!

As I was just about to give up on my search, I met Jason Vetsch from Emory Woodworks. AKA, a custom furniture builder.

Is there a technical name for that?


I’m not sure.

All I knew was that he was good.


And I had hope!

After looking at some of his work online, we began chatting about exactly what I was looking for. I sent him some pictures of things I liked and before I knew it we were scheduling an appointment for him to come to the house to take some measurements.

He and his adorable wife arrived and took some measurements and most importantly, listened.

Chunky. Leave ample walking space. Shabby. Statement piece. He also looked at some of the other pieces in my home to get a feel for my style. Smart guy!

And before I knew it, I had an UH-MAZING new entryway bench! EXACTLY as I had hoped for!

Cue swooning…

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I know, I know… catch your breath…

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It’s just SO pretty and unique and easily has become one of my absolute favorite pieces in our house.

I also really appreciate Jason’s attention to detail with the dark bolts he added in giving it a bit of an industrial look to it.

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Emory Woodworks is also about the whole experience. In a 1966 Ford truck our beautiful bench was delivered to our home and then carried inside.

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Aren’t they the cutest?! These two work as a team to bring Spokane and the surrounding areas quality craftsmanship. And it felt so good supporting a local business, too!

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And since these photos were taken, I have added a few more little touches…

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I now have the perfect spot to store the kids’ shoes and winter gear without tripping over them in the walkway.


Some of my other favorites from his sites …

I am such a fan of hanging pendants!



Look at the storage space! I think I need this for under our own window…



The Hubby would love one of these. And so stylish, too. They’re also magnetic. Bonus!


Yes. Just, yes.


I think Calvin needs a big-boy bed! Thinking reclaimed wood headboard….


Oh hello beautiful kitchen table, perfect for tall people such as ourselves…



For that one office in the basement that holds all the unpacked boxes due to no desk… MMM..HMM..


Gorgeous. Want. One.

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So, that’s genius.

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Give Jason an idea or picture, and he will make it happen.

Jason is friendly, works quickly and can give you a custom piece to fit your exact needs without paying an arm and a leg for it.

To see more of Jason’s work, check out his Facebook page HERE and his Etsy shop HERE.  And you should definitely follow him on Instagram HERE

As always, thanks for stopping by!

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