I decided on this recipe after a video came across my feed, and they looked exactly as the title described; world’s best. J and I haven’t ever made cinnamon rolls before, and they seemed to come out perfectly, so I will link her recipe below as well as add a few of our tips:
The recipe said to cut the dough into 10-12 rounds. As we started cutting (with the method where you cut in half, and then half again, and so forth) we realized we were going to have more than 10-12. We ended up with 14 rolls, with two little mini ends that we decided to combine for a total of 15. We wondered if this would affect how they baked/turned out, but it didn’t seem to at all. So, don’t worry if you get more than the 10-12 it calls for.
Next time, we want to try and roll a little tighter. We thought we were rolling pretty well, but some came a little undone. It didn’t affect anything, but was just a little note we wanted to make for next year.
We made these the morning before, stopping right before you would pour on the heavy cream. We then covered the pan and refrigerated overnight, and then set out Christmas morning for about an hour before continuing on. They puffed up even more during this time.
That’s it!
These were pillowy, gooey on the tops and bottoms, and the cream-cheese icing wasn’t too sweet. We were very happy with how they turned out!
By: Cook Like Lauren
I am pretty sure we will be making these every year, from here on out. We put on The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, pre-made our breakfasts, and just really had a good time giving these a go.
<3 Shannon
Where can I find the recipe for the amazing cinnamon rolls
Right above the “By Cook Like Lauren” click on the words of the recipe, “World’s Best Cinnamon Rolls” it will take you to the recipe on Pinterest.