Decorate | DIY

Guest Bathroom Refresh + Sources

February 18, 2021

Our guest bathroom was in need of a major update and since we were getting new flooring put in on the whole main floor, we decided to tackle that project as well since things had to be removed and put back in anyways.

The beadboard in the bathroom had warped pretty badly and was beyond repair, so the only thing left to do was to rip it out and start fresh. Once it was gone, we saw how badly the walls were and instead of replacing the walls/spending a lot of time patching numerous holes, we decided to cover it up.


My husband put up board and batten using PVC boards, which will help prevent any warping in the future, and the rest was just adding in some things to make it feel warm and inviting… as weird as that sounds for a bathroom. Ha! I have added those sources below!

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As always, thank you for stopping by!

<3 Shannon

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  1. It looks awesome!! I would like to do a similar board and batten but need to cover the walls too. Were the pvc boards you mention just the 1×2(?) boards or did you have a pvc backer sheet? Or was it something else for the backing??

  2. Where did he get the PVC boards and supplies? I keep looking at Lowes and Home Depot and am always coming up with nothing.

  3. What color do you have on your walls in the master bath with the shiplap . What color do you have on the shiplap?

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