
20+ Fall Pillow Options

September 5, 2019

Hey, friends!

I recently found myself unexpectedly stopping by Homegoods, which lead me to unexpectedly bringing home ELEVEN pillows that I didn’t know I needed. Isn’t that how it always happens?! Shoot.

I ended up sharing where I put those pillows on my Instagram stories, and many of you wanted sources! Because I found them all at Homegoods, I wasn’t able to find exact matches, but I was able to get pretty darn close!


So below are 20 pillow options that I think work well for the Fall season, many of which could also work for other seasons, too. And many of them are VERY close to the ones in our home, so I hope this helps those of you who are on the hunt!

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If you know of any other Fall pillows you think would work well with this bunch, be sure to let me know and I will add them to the list!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

<3 Shannon

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