
Family Halloween Costumes 2017

November 1, 2017

A couple of months before Halloween our kids start talking about what they’d like to be, and the excitement ramps up once they agree on a theme for our family and assign everyone a character.

This year, they chose Moana.


And while dressing up truly is not one of my favorite things, because they love it so much, we play along and agree to be whatever they dream up.



Now, I am NOT a seamstress or even very creative when it comes to costumes, but luckily, my mom is and she lovingly took on the task of making our costumes and she went ALL out for our family. Didn’t she do a fabulous job?! We are so grateful and the kids just about lost their minds when they saw them.


Moana and Te Ka

(What you can’t see in the photos are the lights in Cal’s head flames and on his gloves, and he lit up at night; so fun!)




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Our little Hei Hei


Hei hei


Te Fiti and Moana


te fiti

Our very own Kakamora

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And what is also amazing is that the kids’ Grammie and Poppie got in on the action this year, too! They pieced together their own outfits and with a little help from a friend, they nailed their parts. Check out that back tattoo!

Maui and the crazy grannie, Tala.




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Okay, I had fun with it….



Somehow they even convinced me (so much begging) to dress the part for their class parties as well. WAY out of my comfort zone. But I just can’t say no to such a sweet request.


We hope you all had a very safe and fun Halloween! Until next year… 🙂


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    1. Hi I wanted to see if I could buy the kakamora costume… we are going to Disney on ice and we’re all dressing up moana themed but the date is Nov 8th and I don’t have time to make one because I just found out about it. Thanks for your time

  1. I love it when families and couples match their costumes! That little hei hei is so adorable!

    1. I do, too! I think it’s so fun! I was never into dressing up in previous years, but I will pretty much wear anything they ask me to!

  2. In my mind I could just hear Moana’s “How Far I’ll Go” song as I read your post…what a great movie and great songs & characters as well. I can understand why your children chose Disney’s Moana as the theme. Looks like you all had lots of fun and created some really cool memories in the process.

    1. Omg can I please get a tutorial on your Teka and Tefiti costumes?! We are doing Moana this year!

  3. What whimsical fun! I love that your whole family dressed up for Halloween. Your kiddos will have so many wonderful memories of a fun childhood with their wonderful parents.

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