
Hallelujah for Hazey!

November 15, 2017


It’s been quite a while since I have purchased any hair goodies for Gwyn’s hair because they simply just wouldn’t stay put.  She has so much thick hair and they’d slide down, not grasp enough hair, or simply just fall out, so I gave up on bows and would only use little hair ties to keep her hair out of her face when worn down.

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That is, until we discovered Hazey Baby Co.! These bows truly work in my daughter’s hair and we are swingin’ from the trees with happiness about it! 🙂

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No but really, they hold my daughter’s hair tightly, stay put, and are quality products. Hallelujah!


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Gwyn loves anything and everything girly and was quite excited when these bows arrived in our mailbox. In fact, it didn’t take long for her to try every one of them!


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I love how simple and clean these bows are and how they accentuate a little girl’s hairstyle and outfit instead of overpowering it. I wish these were around when Gwyn was a baby!


Just take a look at these DARLING headbands!



More and more designs and colors keep emerging and I get excited about every new bow reveal.


Like these super cute Christmas ones… swoon!


My friend, Niki, is the creator of Hazey Baby Co. and is a gorgeous mama to two adorable little babes. To check out her entire collection, visit her ETSY shop HERE. To see her latest styles as they come out, visit her Facebook page HERE and her Instagram account HERE.

These make great gifts for the holidays! Every mama will thank you! 😉

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