
Is That Really Our Home?!

October 19, 2017


Before I decided to be a stay-at-home mom, I was a high school teacher. I spent numerous hours outside the classroom preparing new lessons, researching new techniques, reading books I could relate to my students with, grading papers, and so on. I wanted to do my very best.

All of that was set aside and every part of me went into the care of our daughter once she was born. Everything I did was for my family. And while I preferred it that way, I didn’t have my own “thing” anymore.

That is when my blog was created. It was my outlet for creativity, my own little memory book, just… my own. It started out just for fun, but over time has turned into something a little more. Something I am proud of.

And actually, something my family has become proud of, too.

Today I am sharing something that I have kept quiet for the past few months for fear of jinxing it.

A little over a month ago, someone from the Spokane Coeur d’ Alene Living Magazine came over and took photos of our home for their magazine.

This opportunity has been very exciting for me and I just loved every bit of the process. A big portion of my blog is sharing home decor and DIY projects, so for those things to be highlighted in this magazine is truly an honor. And, I am just thrilled with the outcome! Joni, the journalist and photographer, did an amazing job on the article and photos and her talents are very clear. I still can’t believe that I am looking at our home inside the issue; it’s surreal!

And the love and support I have seen from my family because of it makes me feel like they are truly proud, too. My kids don’t really know what I “do” outside of them, so when my daughter saw the magazine with our home featured inside of it she was beaming with excitement and it was truly a nice feeling.

She even took my copy to her school to share it with her class.

The magazine should be out on the stands any day now; go pick up a copy! And for those living afar, to see the online version, go HERE.



(Photo from article)

Thank you for all of your support in visiting my little blog over the years. It means a lot!

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  1. Gorgeous Shannon! I’ve always enjoyed your blog and wished we had both been in Pullman at the same time longer so we could’ve grown as friends!

    1. Gosh, Kelsey, thank you so much! And I agree! We only had such a short time, wish it could have been longer, too!

  2. Congratulations! Your house is beautiful! I am a former teacher turned blogger as well. I left because I was no longer fulfilled and I couldn’t be happier.

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