
Menu Planning Monday #78

February 6, 2017

Welcome to another Menu Planning Monday! Here I try to plan out healthy, EASY meals that will get me in and out of that kitchen as quickly as possible while still keeping our palettes satisfied.

Don’t you love when you want to try a recipe and you realize you have all of the ingredients? I have all of the ingredients for these recipes without having to go to the store! WINNING!


Root Beer Pulled Pork

I made this for the Super Bowl and have leftovers galore, so we will be having these this night. If you’re hesitant at all, they don’t taste like root beer! Just tender bbq pulled pork sandwiches.

The Girl Who Ate Everything



Date night =Ham and cheese roll-ups for the kiddos


Asparagus Sweet Potato Chicken Skillet 

After our huge Costco haul last week, I already have ALL of these ingredients so this is a perfect recipe to use them in.

Primavera Kitchen



Chicken Avocado Lime Soup

This is one of my favorite soups! YUUUUUUM.

Cooking Classy



Mom and Dad have volleyball, so leftovers it is.

Saturday and Sunday 


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