
Our Family Photos 2016

November 16, 2016

I think you all know by now how important photos are to me.

My philosophy is that they are something that once the time has gone by, I can never get again.

For the past few years, I have gathered my troop to take some family photos because I am usually the main one behind the camera during our daily life, and gosh darnit I want to be in some photos with my family, too! So, doing this ensures that at least once a year I can count on the five of us in some quality photos that I can look back on and see how our family has grown and changed.

I have been working with Heidi of Glimpse Photography for a while now and have been so happy with the photos she has provided our family. She just does an excellent job in capturing the personalities of our kiddos that when I look through these I just want to hug my computer!

I can see Gwyn’s girliness and adoration for her brothers.

I can see Cal’s silliness and sweet, loving nature.

I can see Franklin’s curiosity and pure joy for life.

And you know what, I can also see the absolute love that my husband has for his family.























It was a pretty rainy day the day of our photoshoot, but with busy lives, we decided that rain or shine, we were doing them! So, the best location for our family was at our own home. We could be ready right after Franklin’s nap so that everyone was in good spirits, we could be indoors if needed, or go outside if it worked out, too. And I am so thankful we did this as we ended up needing to take the majority of them indoors due to the rain, which is also a treat in itself to be able to look back on and see what our home was like over time. And when the rain let up for a few minutes, we ran outside to take a few there, too.

I am so thankful Heidi was up for all of this and so easy to work with! She allowed our family to be in the comforts of our own home and somehow managed to take beautiful photos indoors when the lighting isn’t always ideal.

Thank you, Heidi, for being on this journey with our family, for taking beautiful photos I will forever cherish, and for becoming a friend along the way.

If you are looking to get your own family photos taken, I urge you to just take the leap and contact Heidi. You will be blessed with amazing photos!

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