
Bumpdate: Week 26- and a great opportunity!

July 29, 2015

How Far Along: 26 Weeks! I totally thought I was nearing the end until I counted backwards and realized I still have 14 weeks to go. That is a lot, people!

Symptoms: My loungewear/workout clothes are getting a little…. short. In the belly region.

 Embarrassing Moment: I can officially say this week was free of these moments! Hoorah!
Maternity Clothes: A friend lent me some of her maternity clothes and oh my, a few of these gems are my new faves! Like this maxi dress from Target. All the days. And some sports bras. Hallelujah!
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Gender: Still don’t know. And now that the weeks are getting fewer and fewer, I am starting to feel a little panicky about the baby’s room and decorating for it.
Movement: This baby LOVES to be super active at night. Like right when I want to fall asleep. And since he/she is so low, I feel like I am getting jabbed in the lady parts.
Sleep:  The belly officially needs to be propped up.
Cravings: Soft serve ice cream with toppings. I wouldn’t say I am craving it. But it sure does sound good right now. I have also been eating a lot of cheese. As in, half a costco brick to myself. Not all in one sitting! But yeah, cheese and ice cream. Dangit.
Aversions: All is good there.
Body changing: Total weight gained is 16 pounds. There is NO question I am pregnant now. People are asking about the baby and the cardinal rule is do not ask until you are 100% certain the woman is pregnant.
Names: Cal keeps going back to Marlin. Gwyn suggested Caitlyn this week. Hmmm… Caitlyn…. Jenner?!
Nesting:  I have finally figured out where we are putting the kids in terms of bedrooms and I feel so relieved! Now, to decorate them….
Best Moments this week: The Hubby had to leave town for work for 17 days (YES! I COUNTED!) and I was spent. So, so spent. And then I had a girl’s day with two of my best pals that included pedicures, lunch out, shopping and tons of uninterrupted girl talk. Completely kid-free.  I NEEDED this day and the whole day we took.
Looking forward: Being my last pregnancy, I want to remember it all, which is a big reason I do these updates. So I can look back. Reminisce. Rejoice in what once was.  And while this pregnancy has at times been miserable, scary, and uncomfortable, it has also been joyous, memorable and a huge blessing. The fact that my body can create and house these precious little babes is nothing short of a miracle. And these months, while sometimes seeming long, are truly so short in the bigger picture. And I want to remember. it. all.

And while the words I write help in such a big way, photos also speak volumes as well. My own selfie bedroom mirror pics help track my progress, sure… but this time I thought I would do something special. And that is to have professional photos taken to remember this LAST pregnancy. Something I can look back on fondly and not be too embarrassed to  print.

Heidi from Glimpse Photography is going to be taking care of me during my session and also happens to be looking for more pregnant mamas to help model some gorgeous new maternity gowns that are arriving soon. So! If you think you would like to do this, click on the link below for more details and to apply.

I am really looking forward to this! There haven’t been many days lately where I have gotten all dolled up. Instead I have been feeling a little frumpy-esque, so to have Heidi really pamper a girl is something to risk jumping up and down for! (If you know what I mean…)

So, if you are pregnant yourself or know of someone who is, check out these gorgeous gowns to choose from and apply before they’re all gone!

Glimpse Photography Model Search

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