Organize | Recipes

Menu Planning Monday #20

May 4, 2015

Welcome to Menu Planning Monday! Every week I try to plan healthy meals with like-items for our family as well as meals that don’t require a ton of ingredients or complicated steps. And if it can be thrown into a Crockpot, even better!

Some of these recipes are new to me, too and have never been tried, so my apologies ahead of time if they don’t turn out! Some of these are family-favorites and I will be sure to note which ones those are.

Still in my first trimester I am feeling a tad narcoleptic these days and my free time has been used to rest up, so my apologies for not having the grocery list for you. Once I feel back to normal I will get back on that!

There are some foods that are more appealing than others lately, but the recipes below all look pretty good, so let’s hope they stay that way once the week hits because this is what we are having!

Greek Pizza


Greek Yogurt 

My Daily Morsel

I could eat this healthy chicken Waldorf salad every day. It's THAT good!


Healthy Chicken Waldorf Salad

It’s Yummi


Date Night = Leftovers!

amazing taco casserole, recipe, dinner recipe,


Taco Casserole 

My Mommy Style


Our first born is turning FIVE and she gets to pick where we eat for a special dinner out. 🙂

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