
The Day We Found Out

April 30, 2015

It was a Wednesday morning, like any other. The kids and I got up, we ate breakfast, got ready for school and completed our morning routine. Actually ready a little early, I decided to squeeze in a jog before driving Gwyn to school.

As I began my jaunt up the hill, I noticed my breasts were tender. Not really having tender breasts with my other two pregnancies, it wasn’t alarming but something I definitely noticed.

As soon as I got home I told The Hubby that I was going to take a test. He didn’t think much of it because the timing was off, or so we thought.

About two weeks earlier, I was “late.” Only about 2-3 days late, but late. Since I had stopped taking my birth control due to medical issues back in November, my period had been off so I knew I had a little grace period. Excited about the thought of possibly being pregnant, I had The Hubby pick up a pregnancy test on the way home from work.

Once the kids were in bed that night, I peed in a cup (It’s easier than peeing on the stick!) and then dipped the stick and walked away. The Hubby asked if I had done it yet, and when I said I had he immediately ran into the room to watch it, in which I chased after him. We were two giddy little parents.

We waited, but only to discover that no. I wasn’t pregnant.

Disappointed, we hugged and that was that.

Two days later, I got my period.

Now, fast forward to the Wednesday of my jog, and I had just finished my period on Sunday. So, like we thought, the timing was off, but just to be sure, I decided to take a test.

This time I did it alone though, not expecting much.

Still though, I was nervous.

I dipped the stick and set it down and watched.


Super disappointed once again, my mind quickly played a little mental scenario of what it would have been like had it been positive with me running in with the news. My thoughts were then interrupted by something I remembered.  I had forgotten to let the stick sit in the urine for five seconds. So, I re-dipped.

And IMMEDIATELY the stick showed two lines. Pregnant.


My eyes bulged as I held the stick.

I raced to the living room where The Hubby and the kids were and as soon as he saw my face while holding the stick he said, “NO WAY!” as I excitedly nodded and showed him the stick.

Unsure of how he would feel now that it was real, I watched his reaction as he looked at the lines and met my eyes. I was then given the biggest, sweetest hug as he proclaimed his excitement. AND WHEW! We both quietly celebrated as we decided not to tell the kids yet.

And later that day I got the sweetest text from The Hubby sharing how excited he was for this baby. Having this little secret was so fun, but also SO hard! Which is why we could only wait a handful of days to tell our family.

So, it turns out the first time I took a pregnancy test I WAS pregnant, it was just too early to tell. And my “period” was just the egg implanting itself, thus experiencing some bleeding.

That night we were actually meeting friends for dinner and I had to keep quiet. Again, SO HARD! We did sneak this photo in before they arrived, though. The first “mama is pregnant!” photo.


Story coming soon!

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  1. I am do incredibly excited for you and your growing family! I can’t wait to watch that sweet belly of yours grow into a little human!

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