
Hump Day Highlights #4 – Picky Eater Foods

April 1, 2015

Happy Hump Day! We are excited to to bring you another


Each Wednesday we will share some things from the past week that we are loving, can’t live without, or are things we are just plain obsessed with – and we will even add links (when applicable) so you can check out or scoop up anything you love, too.

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Your weekly hosts are  MistyApril,  Shannon (that’s me!) , Amanda, Danica, and Kaitlyn. We would love for you to add your post to our link up of the things you are loving this week, too! And please spread the love by following the other blogs in the link up/commenting on their posts. This is such a great way to meet like-minded mamas and make new friends, all while showing off your blog as well. The Hump Day Highlights weekly link up is going to be a blast, I hope you link up and follow along!

This week it is all about Picky Eater Foods! Or,  foods that trick my son into getting more nutrients!

The kid is PICKY! So I have had to get creative in finding things that give him more protein and veggies. First up, these Good 2 Grow Fruit and Veggie juice bottles. Guys. These are AMAZING! First, my son LOVES the bottles. Second, THEY ARE LEAK-PROOF! Finally, they are reusable! Oh, and the obvious! They include vegetables! And they have become our main drink cup in the house. I have gotten these at Target and Wal-Mart and they are a great distraction in getting me through the grocery store.

Good to Grow 

I created these Protein-Packed Mom Bars as a way to grab a healthy snack for myself on the go, but it turns out the whole family loves them. Protein, protein, protein! And they are like a treat! My kids treat them as one, anyway. No white anything in these!


Protein Packed Mom Bar

I can count on some protein with these Light and Fit Greek Yogurts. They have half the sugar as some of the other yogurts we have tried and a good amount of protein!

Light and Fit 

My son has NO idea these are veggie dogs, and I have no intentions of telling him! If I need a quick lunch, these are a go-to.

Morningstar Farms® Veggie Corn Dogs

Veggie Corn Dogs 

These Whole Wheat Butternut Squash and Carrot Muffins are a hit in our house. Everyone likes them and with no refined sugar, they are a BIG WIN!


Whole Wheat Butternut Squash and Carrot Muffins 

Do you have any picky eaters? If so, what are your go-to meals and snacks to get them the nutrients they need?

Thanks for sharing!

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