
The Protein-Packed Mom Bar – For when there’s just no time

September 4, 2014

Do you ever forget to really make yourself a decent breakfast? Need a little snack in-between meals and fishy crackers aren’t cutting it? Or need a late-night guiltless treat?

Well, I got ya covered. Because I needed all of these things and finally put this one together.


I’ve been saying for years someone needs to come out with the “mom bar.” Something that can be consumed quickly, yet not be full of crap.

They’re dense, so they’re filling. They’re easy to make, so they’re doable. They’re sweet, so they’re like a treat!

This bar is full of protein and wholesome goodness and you will love it, promise!

I wanted to keep the sugar down, but if you want to add chocolate chips, dried fruit or any other goodie, feel free! They’ll be even more treat-like!

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4 cups old fashioned oats

1 cup ground flaxseed

2 cups almond flour

1 Tbs cinnamon

1 cup honey

2 eggs

1/2 cup almond butter

1 cup sliced almonds

1 ts sea salt


Preheat oven to 350*

1. Mix oats, almond flour, flaxseed and cinnamon with a whisk in your mixing bowl.

2. Make a well and add honey, eggs, almond butter, almond slivers and salt. Mix well with a paddle attachment.

3. Grease a 9×13 pan and press the mixture evenly in the pan. Bake for  20-25 minutes until slightly browned around the edges. Let cool and cut.


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  1. I’m trying to get off wheat and sugar, so I’ve been lkoiong for a starter recipe using almond flour, this one turned out pretty well, despite a lot of substitutions I used half chickpea flour, I added cocoa instead of chocolate chips, subbed earth balance for the fat and sweetened with a little coconut sugar and stevia. Still pretty delicious, so thanks great recipe, really simple and flexible!

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