
And We’re Off!-To Our Fourth of July Annual Camping Trip

July 1, 2014

For the last nine summers The Hubby and I have gone to Twin Lakes for a week over the 4th of July to spend time with his family. The first year we went included about nine adults crammed into one itty bitty cabin and we all absolutely loved it.

And we did this for another four years or so until the little ones started joining our family. After their arrival another cabin was added.







Oh, except for last year we all went to the coast instead, and you can read about that here if you’d like. And to see what kind of treats we will be having again this year, click here.


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The first time I was invited to to the lake was the first time I met The Hubby’s family, so it could have gotten REAL weird.

But luckily, it sure didn’t. In fact, we immediately all hit it off and I had one of the best 4th of July’s ever.

We’ve gone back every year since!

So now we are off once again. There will be no computers. No cell service. No electronics.

Just us, the lake, the quiet and maybe an ice cream cone or two from the local store. Or five.

I can’t WAIT!  I hope you all have a fun and safe 4th of July and I will be back next week!

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