DIY | Life

How to plan the perfect kids pool party- Guest Post by An Apple Per Day

May 1, 2014

Hi everyone, my name is Kaitlin Gardner, and I’m delighted to be guest blogging here at Lady’s Little Loves! My own blog is lovingly named because I believe in simple healthy steps in life – eating an apple a day really works! I’ve been doing it for 4 years, and go to the doctor much less! Today let’s talk about birthday parties. “Mom, I want my party at the pool.” I smiled when I heard this, because I had been trying to figure out what to do for my son’s birthday. Now I could throw him the perfect party – the one he really wanted. So what would I need? Here are some things I had to take care of when I was planning this party: via  Involve the parents. Many of the parents won’t feel comfortable about just dropping their child off at a swimming pool, so they’ll want to stay. I made sure to include the parents. On the invitations, I let them know they were welcome to stay. We set up tables where Moms & Dads could sit and visit with other parents, but still keep an eye on the pool. When I called to confirm addresses for the invitations, I diplomatically confirmed that each child could swim. Pool safety. Being at Chucky Cheese for a party is one thing, but at the pool, safety is going to require a whole different level of concern – I could see why those parents might want to stick around. I didn’t want to leave this issue to chance, or assume that the parents would be on watch. My husband and I had a lot to handle with being host and hostess. My elegant solution – I hired Patrick – the teenager down the block who works as a lifeguard at the community pool every summer. The kids were conditioned to pay attention to him, or he could pull them out of the pool. Now the parents could all relax, knowing that safety was being properly addressed.  via  Pool entertainment. I realized I didn’t have to set up a fancy portable slide to make sure the kids were entertained. After all, there’s a reason my son wanted his party at the pool – it’s fun just to be there. They would likely make up their own games, but if they needed a prompt, I just threw a bucket of ice cubes in the water and yelled “see who can gather the most before they melt!” I had several games in mind if they were needed. If the kids looked like they were having fun – I just sat back and enjoyed. I wanted the kids to sit out for a while after they ate, so we had some Frisbees and a croquet set available until they got back to the pool. Here are some sites with great ideas for party games:

Take care of food. What do kids like to eat when they go out? “Mom, I want a burger.” My son is no different, and he assured me all his friends love a hamburger. My wonderful, patient husband loves to cook on the grill, so it made for a winning combination. He fired up the barbeque, and dinner was a success. I made sure we had plenty – I knew the kids would work up an appetite when they were swimming. We offered chicken and shrimp for the parents, but with the proper fixings, some sodas and chips, the kids had a meal they really enjoyed. What time of day? If it was the middle of the summer, we would have considered having the party in the evening, so we could avoid the heat and wouldn’t have to worry about sunburns. But our son’s birthday is in the late spring when evenings are still chilly, so we had the party in the afternoon, to take advantage of the warmth. My husband added great decorative lighting in the trees and around the back yard, so people could enjoy all of our lovely yard. The last guests just left, I waved bye to a Mom as she drove away, and turned back to the house. My son was right next to me, and with a big smile said “Thanks, Mom, best party ever!” What a wonderful thing to hear, and I was thrilled. I knew I just threw the party that was perfect for him.  via I really enjoyed writing this guest post because I like to write about kids being active and having fun. I started my blog, because of my love for a healthy lifestyle. I currently live in Pennsylvania, and I’m fortunate to be married to my best friend. In my spare time, hubbie and I love to go hiking and enjoy nature. I am also working on another big project – my first book about living an eco-friendly, healthy, natural lifestyle.

Thanks for stopping by and I’ll  see you in the comments!

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