
Help this mama out!

May 2, 2014

You see this photo ?

Makes your ovaries ache for a baby, doesn’t it?

Thought so.

You don’t have ovaries, you say?

Go show any woman. Hers will ache.

Then the two of you go on over to THIS page  and “like” the photo.

Please. Desiree Burgess was a brand new single mother who started her business in efforts to provide for her new baby while staying home. Successful and growing for the past two years she needs your vote to help keep her business growing. Your vote will give her business a boost by having her products featured by a celebrity.

Holla! baby So, once again, go HERE, “like” the photo, and then why don’t you go ahead and share it, too!

Oh, and you should also check out her shop… ADORABLE! Click here. I think Gwyn needs a new headband. And a scarf. And so do I. Matching? Yep.

Thank you and have a great weekend!

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