
Our first ever family photos- 2013

December 11, 2013

We recently had our family photos taken for the first time, and let me tell you, I was one worried mama. I was worried about the weather, whether or not the kids/hubby would want to be there, whether or not they’d wear what I had chosen and so on. But after meeting Mica from Mica Sansaver Life Photography the weight immediately lifted from my shoulders. She was so friendly and  energetic and had us all at ease immediately. We were in and out of there in 20 minutes, too, which was the perfect amount of time for our little family. And I am so very pleased with how they turned out!!

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       Mica also offers an awesome deal of a mini session for just $50 and you get to choose any five images of your liking. This was the PERFECT deal for us since I didn’t know how they were going to turn out and the time frame just worked. Of course I ended up loving ALL of them and buying more, but that’s definitely not required or pushed. If you are in the Spokane area and are looking for someone to take great pics at an affordable price, check out Mica’s site HERE.
And if you missed it, I explained where all of our clothing is from HERE.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a wonderful day!

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  1. The pictures turned out so great. I love the ones of the kiddos holding hands – it’s so sweet. You look amazing, and I love the way you matched the outfits without being “matchy”. It might sound stupid but, I think it’s really hard to do. It took me forever to plan out our engagement picture outfits – I’m talking months here. I’m loving the pops of bright colors – especially the bright yellow. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Melissa!! It DOES take work and I thought really hard about what they would wear!! Haha! I tried to work with what we already had and added from there. And I didn’t want to be too seasonal (red and green) so that they could work for anything! You are too sweet for the incredibly nice compliments. 🙂

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