
One to celebrate

October 4, 2013

Something pretty cool happened this week.

Monday was the birthday of Grandma DePell. We lost this special lady less than a year ago, maybe you remember this post.

So, Monday started off a bit somber.  It’s difficult losing someone you respect and love so much. And those kinds of anniversaries can be hard.

But then the cool thing happened.

My nephew was born!

My very first nephew! The nephew that has made me an auntie. 🙂

So that day, that was once a little sad, is now joyous and wonderful and one to celebrate!

Photo: Landon Kenneth Morscheck born 9/30/13 at 10:46 pm. 8 lbs 15 oz and 22 inches long. Everyone is resting now and recovering well.h

Isn’t that just beautiful?

I can’t WAIT to meet this little man!

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