Yep, you read that correctly.
Baby Cal turned 11 months.
He is one big ball of love and will melt any female’s heart with his big baby blues.
The number one compliment that he receives is how awesome his crazy, wild hair is.
His tongue can often be found dangling from his mouth
You can make him smile or laugh just by baring a huge grin at him.
Wearing size 12-18 and 18 month clothing and size 4 diapers.
We now have a semi-walker on our hands. He will walk from point A to point B as his primary means of transportation, but will crawl long distances.
His favorite foods are lasagna, grapes, sweet potatoes, waffles, spaghetti, cheese, tomatoes, Hawaiian rolls, pears, and basically anything you put in front of him. He also loves to drink water from a sippy cup.
He loves to push any kind of walker toy, or hamper, around the house.
He still just has his two bottom front teeth.
He may need his first haircut soon. I find myself tucking it behind his ears at times. Not sure I am ready for a haircut yet…
He is a risk-taker, wanting to climb on or in anything.
A few more tidbits…
He is his sister’s biggest fan and he follows her around the house like a lost little puppy.
The hardest part about this kid right now is changing his bum, as he just wants to barrel roll off the table. That, and when he is hungry there is a constant whine as you shovel it in his mouth. No one can seem to shovel it in fast enough.
Little Man has Eczema. We noticed a strange rash on the back of his knee, took him to the doctor and came home with a special cream that has healed it right up. No more scented lotions for this little babe. 🙁
We are so excited that our little man is nearing his first birthday and the party planning has begun!!!
Happy Monday!