
Chicken and Whole Wheat Dumplings- Easy AND Healthy

February 27, 2013


Chicken and Dumplings

One of my go-to meals when I don’t have a lot of time, or when I just don’t want to cook, which is like, always, is this chicken and dumplings recipe. It’s SO easy, my whole family enjoys it, and you can substitute the chicken with leftover thanksgiving turkey if you’re trying to use up the meat. er

I found the original recipe here  and below is the recipe with my slight alterations.



about 3 cups cooked chicken ( or just use a rotisserie chicken and pick off the meat!)

6-8 cups chicken broth

2 cups flour (I use wheat)

2 Tbs. butter

1/2 tsp. baking powder

salt to taste

about a cup of milk, maybe a bit less



Pick the rotisserie chicken off the bone or cut your cooked chicken into bite-sized chunks.


In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt.  Cut the butter into the dry ingredients with a fork or pastry blender.  Stir in the milk, mixing with a fork  until the dough forms a ball.

Heavily flour a work surface.  You’ll need a rolling pin and something to cut the dumplings with.  I use a pizza cutter.




Roll the dough out thin with a heavily floured rolling pin.  Cut the dumplings in squares about 2″x2″.  Mine usually end up looking like rectangles. It really doesn’t matter if they’re not uniform.



If these are going to be cooked soon then I can just put them on a plate and transfer to the pot. If they are going to be cooked later, put a sheet of wax paper between each layer to prevent sticking.

To cook them, bring the broth to a boil.  Drop the dumplings in a couple at a time, stirring while you add them.  The extra flour on them will help thicken the broth.  Cook them for about 15-20 minutes or until they not doughy tasting.  Add the cooked chicken to the pot and you’re done!




A very quick, yummy meal! Both of my kids like it, too!

Chicken and Dumplings




Happy Wednesday!

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