
On Being “Right”

November 6, 2012

Do you ever find yourself in an argument with your spouse/loved one, and about half-way through realize that he/she may in fact, be right, and that you sound pretty dang ridiculous? But for the sake of possibly being a teeny-weeny bit right, you hold strong to your side?

I find myself doing this at times and can even see myself from above brewing up this ridiculous storm and want to tell myself to zip it.

But I usually don’t.

Why don’t I?

It would save a lot of time if I did, my Hubby would be incredibly happy, and we could move on with our day.

For instance. Sunday morning The Hubby decided to rearrange our house. Yeah. Our HOUSE. Our place isn’t huge, so it was definitely doable, but I am not one for change, at least so much so quickly, so I was having a hard time with it.

“No, that can’t go there! Then I can’t feed the kids as easily!” “I don’t like it, it feels awkward.” “That won’t work because….” “That won’t fit there because…” Yadda Yadda Yadda. I had a reason why every scenario wouldn’t work or why I didn’t like it instead of having an open mind.

I really am a visual person and couldn’t envision what he was trying to explain to me and I sure gave him a hard time about it.

And once I saw one area complete that actually looked nice, did I tell him so?


Because that made him right. And for some reason it is REEEAAAALLLLLY hard for me to admit when he is right after we’ve gone back and forth for a bit.

But really what he had done was opened up more space in our house, sectioned off a little area for Gwyn to have all to herself to play, given us a dining area that is away from the TV to have more intimate family dinners, and he moved everything away from our living room window to bring in more natural light.

Hello, Mr. Design Star.

Admitting when I am wrong right away and having a more open mind from the start are some things I am really going to hone in on to improve in myself.

But man is it haaaaaaaarrrrrd.

Is this hard for anyone else? What do you do when you’ve realized what your loved one is saying just might  be better/right?

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Be sure to vote!

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