
What Went Down Wednesday: Bras, Banks and Bikes, Yikes!

October 3, 2012
Welcome to another edition of What Went Down Wednesday. Can you guess what the day began with?
You got it.
3:30 am- Another fab pumping sesh. Play on phone.

All done.

6:45- Wake up, go out to the living room and tidy up a bit.
6:50- Hubby comes home from the gym…. with McDonalds. Hmm….counterproductive?
6:55- Gwyn and Cal wake up. I get Cal and nurse him, The Hubby gets Gwyn to snuggle.

7:00- Gwyn eats her breakfast while I change Cal’s diaper and then get ready for a jog. Put Cal and his playmat in the bedroom where The Hubby is getting ready for work.

7:10-7:25: Go on jog. About 1/4 of the way up the first hill I realize I didn’t put a sports bra on and am wearing a regular bra. This results in the super awkward arms-to-the-chest run like I used to do in grade school.

Not workin’ in my favor. If I were still in high school this might not have been a problem, but since becoming a nursing mom, things have changed.

7:30-Kiss Hubby goodbye and put on an episode of Curious George for Gwyn.
7:32- Hop in the shower. Continually sing a medley of ABCs to keep Cal calm. He’s not happy.

7:37- Out of shower. With dripping wet hair I quickly throw on my unmentionables and a shirt so I can Bjorn Cal. No time for pants before getting him situated. Then, pants.

7:44-7:51 Finish getting ready.
7:54- Make my daily oatmeal and eat a granola bar. Cal makes it clear he’s ready for solids too, so I whip up his oatmeal while refilling Gwyn’s orange juice, which she has asked for about six times in 20 seconds.
7:58- Refill orange juice…. again. Cal and I eat breakfast.
8:15- Clean up Gwyn from breakfast and check Facebook. Realize there are problems with the giveaway on my blog. Blood rises. Cal and I sit down to do some computer work.

8:30-  Unload the dishwasher then re-load with breakfast dishes.
8:40-Gwyn sees a scar on my knee, pushes me into the bathroom and plays “doctor.” Won’t let me leave the bathroom as she goes in and out acquiring more tools to “make it all better, Mama.”

8:45-9:00: Try fixing blog problems some more, only to result in more frustration.
9:00- Change Cal’s bum and put down for a nap.
9:00-9:50: Put on a couple episodes of Caillou and work on fixing the blog. No such luck. More frustration.
10:00- Feel guilty for wasting an hour, get Gwyn dressed, change a poo and do her hair.

10:10- Make Key Lime Pie with Gwyn as a treat for The Hubby. He had a very important day the next day so we wanted to make sure he would be fed well the night before. Gwyn helped by eating my ingredients.

10:20- Gwyn throws mini tantrum because I wont let her eat a stick of butter. Cruel, I know, but I needed it for the crust.

Gwyn then takes out various utensils from the utensil drawer and plays with those while I work.

Gwyn gets bored and draws in a box.

10:30- Pie is in the oven and while it bakes I make our bed, clean up the kitchen and do a little online banking.

10:55- Pack Gwyn a snack for our errands later as a “just in case.”
11:00-Start load of laundry
11:02-Pour Gwyn more milk
11:05-Feed the dogs

11:10-Gwyn and I play with fuzz balls.

11:20-Cal finally wakes up and I nurse him while Gwyn plays “Blues Clues” with her new “handy dandy notebook.” Whenever nursing, Cal likes to squeeze my face.

11:45-Change Cal’s diaper and dress him. Debate whether or not to go to the bank considering the time.
11:50- Look at the “to-do” section of my Home Binder and confirm how sick I am of looking at the Bank of America post-it and decide to “go for it.”

11:56-Arrive at the bank and am pleased to see they have a kiddie corner, which Gwyn gladly goes over to while I deposit my checks.

Well that doesn’t last long and she drags her chair over to where I am, making a nice screeching sound all the way across the quiet bank. She then goes over and drags the other kiddie chair over, making the little boy sitting with his parents upset since he had been sitting in it a few minutes earlier. I leave the front counter, wallet and purse still there, and walk it back to the corner in which Gwyn meets me half way, tugging in the opposite direction, in which I then have to convince her that she can only have one chair. This is when I pull out the reserve bag of snacks I packed for her. She sits and eats while I finish the deposit. Super nice Banker Steve is so patient while all of this is going on. Thank you, Banker Steve.

Once done depositing, we go to the kiddie corner to wait for Banker Specialist Lady to help us open an account for Cal.  And this is when Gwyn spills her snack. For reals.

This is after I scooted most of it into a pile with my feet.

I ask a nice banker lady for a broom, in which she goes on a hunt for. In the meantime, my name is called to meet with Banker Specialist Lady. I tell her I can’t come until I clean up my daughter’s mess. So she then goes on a broom hunt. About four people now are hunting for a broom. Meanwhile, I am playing defense against Gwyn who is trying to stuff a fist-full of floor-snack into her mouth. I manage to pry most of the floor-snack out of her hand, but she does manage to stuff in a few pieces. Disgusting child.

Gwyn then drops to the floor to “rest.” I try to get her up by telling her how icky that is and talking about germs before the broom finally shows up.

I look up and a college boy is staring at us and the look on his face says, ‘Thank you, Jesus for not allowing me to have any of those (kids).

The staff is so nice, not letting me clean up the mess, and instead the Banker Specialist Lady coerces Gwyn over to the desk with a book to read while I fill out paperwork.

I keep Gwyn occupied by reading her the book, letting her color on who knows what from my purse, and looking at all of the cards in my wallet.

ALAS, we finish and leave. Where was Cal during all of this? In the Bjorn, being as sweet as ever.

About to keel over, I decide I need my favorite coffee drink and we walk outside and over to the coffee shop. I order “my drink” and Gwyn and I share half of a 7 layer bar. On the way back to the car, Gwyn and I run across the street when it is our turn to walk, which she thinks is the funnest thing ever, so we continue the run all the way back to the car in hopes of expending all leftover energy. She laughs the whole way, so it is a win for all. Cal just bounced along.

12:55-Cal and Gwyn are both ready for lunch. Gwyn gets Mickey Nuggets and Mickey Cheese. Cal, squash. Gwyn begs for a sip of my drink (which is decaf) and I tell her when she finishes her lunch she can have a sip. So when she shows me her cleared plate, I give her a sip and get her down. And this is what I find behind her back in her seat.

1:15- Clean up living room from before we left for the bank, change Gwyn’s diaper, change Cal’s diaper, and put both kids down for a nap.
1:20. Polish off seven layer bar. Sit on couch. Exhale. Can’t even get up to turn the channel from baseball. Try fixing my blog some more, feel eyes burning and fall asleep around 2:00 (I think).
2:35-Cal wakes up, waking me up, and I nurse him. Feel a little more energy.
2:50-Change his poo.
2:55- Put Cal in Jumperoo and begin making lasagna, Hubby’s favorite dinner.

3:15-Cal is done with Jumperoo, so I Bjorn him.
3:17- Gwyn wakes up crying about a “hair bow” that fell behind her crib. I go in there, move her crib all around and find no hair bow. As I lift her out of the crib, we find the hair bow.
3:25- Continue making lasagna.

Gwyn keeps “Swiper” (character from Dora the Explorer) out of the kitchen and we play imaginary game while I finish up.

3:35-Start making whipped cream for the final layer of the Key Lime Pie. Gwyn pretends balloon is a baby and she insists on putting “baby” to bed, so I go back and forth from kitchen to her room, helping put baby to bed while I keep an eye on the cream, making sure not to over-whip.

3:50-Gwyn approves of cream while I decorate pie.

4:00-Put laundry in dryer.
4:05-Feel bad for a boring day for Gwyn, so I pack up her bike and we head to the park.

Cal seems to enjoy it too.

Around 4:55 I tell Gwyn we need to start heading home, and she doesn’t want to. Wants to keep riding. Then she heads over to the dirt to throw it. And won’t leave. With Cal in the Bjorn, I can’t pick her and the bike up, so I have to “trick” her to start walking toward the car. I get uber excited about a bird I see and want to show it to her. Like, REAL excited. She runs over, anxious to see the bird, and when she arrives, it “must’ve flown away” so we “go look for it” by the car.

Gwyn decides to ride her bike back to the car, and when I try to get her off of it once at the car, she starts to throw a fit not wanting to go, and I can’t get her off of it with Cal in the Bjorn. So, super nice by-stander man, who is there with his son, asks if he can help, which I embarrassingly agree to let him do. He pries her hands off the bike while I lift her off. I thank bystander man, throw bike in car, buckle Cal in seat, buckle Gwyn in, and listen to two screaming kids on the way home.
5:10-Get home and nurse Cal while Gwyn watches Caillou.
5:30-Put Cal in swing while I warm up Gwyn some leftover chicken tortilla soup. Realize the only thing I ate for lunch was a seven layer bar and I am now famished. So, I wolf down two bowls myself.

5:40-Cal gets fussy, so while I’m at it, I feed him some more squash.

Much happier.

5:48- Empty dishwasher while Gwyn eats and Cal plays with spatula.

6:00-Pound a handful of chocolate chips.
6:02-Go back for another handful of chips.
6:05-Cal is done in the Bumbo so I change his diaper while singing the ABCs as it seems Witching Hour has begun.
6:10- More chips.
6:15-Gwyn gets yogurt and plays “soap” with it, washing away. When I take away to clean her up, she plays “hiding.”

6:20- Lasagna is done and I realize I didn’t make anything other than said lasagna, so I throw some bread on a pan, sprinkle with garlic salt and a few other spices and throw it under the broiler.

6:25-Poppie arrives for dinner since Grammie is out of town (can’t have him eating peanut butter!)
6:30-The Hubby comes home for his special meal and both men are very happy. Therefore, I am very happy.

6:45-Cal starts to whine some more (been in the Bjorn this whole time) so I am in and out of the house as he likes it outside.
6:50-Poppie gets Gwynnie cleaned up, face washed, teeth brushed, diaper changed, jammies on, and reads her a book before bed. Hubby works on his presentation. I nibble on dinner and dessert in-between warming Cal’s bottle up and going outside.

7:00-Feed Cal his bottle.

7:15-Gwyn says goodnight to the family and The Hubby puts her to bed. Poppie says many thanks and heads home.

7:25-Change Cal’s diaper, put on jammies, and put Little Man to bed.

7:30-Clean up dinner. Hubby heads back to his office.
7:45-Edit Cal’s birth video.
8:15-Iron Hubby’s shirt.

I despise ironing and you won’t find me doing it often, but it was an important day, so a little Carrie Bradshaw helped me get through it. 😉

8:30-9:35-Play on my computer by blogging, checking/writing e-mails, Facebooking, etc.
9:35-Hubby comes home and we watch Tosh.O
10:15-10:30- Upload pictures.
10:30-Start dishwasher, pick up last minute things laying around the house, get ready for bed.
10:45-Play on phone in bed. Words with Friends and Draw Something.

Happy Wednesday!

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