
Recipe For Annoying Your Hubby

October 2, 2012

Do you want to know how you can thoroughly annoy your husband?

Let me tell you.

The weekend after one of the most important/busiest/most stressful week’s of his career, you and The Hubby need to take an overnight trip to the “big city” to visit family, spend some time together and “unwind.”

After dropping the kids off with Grammie and Poppie around 7:00 p.m., you have The Hubby drive you to a consignment show at a gigantic warehouse filled wall-to-wall with baby clothes, shoes, toys, costumes, bedding, breast pumps, poopers, jumpers, etc., etc. You walk around aimlessly, completely overwhelmed, asking him if this kiddie coat looks cute or scratchy, if he thinks this pair of boots will fit The Toddler, and if he thinks this toy looks “really fun” or not.

You then lap the building again, picking up the same toys, really debating and looking completely confused, before walking out empty-handed. With nothing. Nada. Zilch.

As a treat, you then take your husband to a shabby-chic antique show that is thirty minutes away in the middle of nowhere. And on the way there, Tom Tom then decides to lead you astray, making you miss your exit. Twice.

Once there, you “OOOo” and “Aaahhh” at the various goodies and talk about what couches would look good in the future dream house you don’t own.

And again, you walk away empty-handed because making a decision is much too difficult.

Now 8:45 pm, you both go to dinner at one of your favorite restaurants, completely devouring a soft-pretzel and two pizzas. That’s right… he must do the first two outings on an empty stomach and wait to eat until after you’re done not buying anything, around 9:00 at night. The food, though, might make up for the two prior “outings,” so be careful.

The NEXT day, you both need to take your baby to get his 6 month pictures taken. But before you go, you have him help you analyze which outfits baby should wear. Take time to lay each outfit out and mix n match, creating various combos. And then you must still go with the outfits you originally had in mind. And once there, you need to have your Hubby “work” by helping to get the baby in and out of those outfits. To top the day off, you then end the afternoon with a little shopping at your favorite store, Target before driving home with a screaming baby.

And finally, on Football Sunday, otherwise once known as Sunday Funday, you need to switch the “fun” part up a bit by having “family baking day” instead. And you should choose the most time consuming treats, something containing apples, perhaps a pie, which need to be cored, peeled and sliced, all of which you have him do. Then, once  your apple pie is done, you make apple cobbler with the leftover apples!

Now if THAT doesn’t annoy the CrAp out of your Hubby, I don’t know what will!!!

(Somehow, (and honestly, surprisingly) The Hubby kept his cool the whole time. The WHOLE time! I need to work on my annoyance tactics! 😉 )

Happy Tuesday!

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