
Dear Calvin- A Letter Before Birth

October 8, 2012

Calvin turned 6 months old last week. I know what you’re thinking…6 MONTHS ALREADY!? I am thinking the same! Buh-leave ME! So, in honor of his little milestone, I have decided to dedicate this whole week to Cal. A WHOLE WEEK to my calm, sweet, slobbery baby boy. And to kick-start the week, I have decided to share the letter I wrote to Cal before he was born.

Dear Calvin,
It is officially less than one month until your due date.  I can’t believe it! This pregnancy has gone by incredibly fast, and although I am not quite ready for your arrival, as I still have things on my silly “to-do” list, I am beyond thrilled that you will soon be in our arms.
Our son. It sounds so strange saying that. Son. I am carrying our son, who is going to be born in approximately one month. YOU are going to be here in one month! You, our son. Wow.
We feel incredibly blessed knowing that you are on the way.  While our lives have been a little hectic these past few years, things have really lined up for us. There were times when we doubted our choices, thought twice about what to do, and at times felt like giving up, but each path that we have chosen along this incredible journey has led us to you. In the last three or so years, we bought our first home, got married, went on a fabulous honeymoon, your Daddy started the PhD program here at the University while I taught at the high school, we had your beautiful sister, Gwyneth, I started a little baking business that I do from home while I now care for Gwyneth, and your Daddy is finishing up his third year in school. And now we are about to welcome you into our lives! What more could we ask for!?
We have really been working hard in preparing for your arrival. Your Daddy built himself an office out back in our old “dog shed” so that you could have your own room.  And we have both been feverishly preparing your room so that it will be ready before you get here. The room is very special, as it has a lot of family memorabilia tied into the theme, all of which we hope you come to enjoy one day. Gwyneth has been preparing, too, rubbing and kissing my belly while practicing rocking, changing and being “gentle” with her baby dolls.
I become extremely emotional and overjoyed when I think about you. We are being given one of the greatest gifts imaginable; the gift of being parents to two healthy children, a girl and a boy.   I just have so much love that I can’t wait to give to you, and although I know it is going to be difficult at times, I know we will find our groove.  Being able to look into your eyes and love on you will make all of the long nights and times where nothing seems to soothe you all okay. At least I hope! Be easy on me, okay? 🙂
I am a little nervous, though, for the unexpected. While Gwyneth wasn’t an infant that long ago, what if we don’t remember what to do? What if what we once knew to work, doesn’t anymore? I know a lot is trial and error, but it still makes me nervous to not be able to accommodate your every need. To not know what to do. To feel helpless.
One thing I do know is that your Daddy and I will do everything in our power to give you the best life that we can. We want to teach you, guide you, prepare you, show you, cherish you, and most importantly, love you. You and your sister mean the world to us and everything that we are doing now is to provide a nice life for you both. 
Thank you for allowing us to be your parents, Cal. There are a lot of people very excited to meet you, Little Man! We love you!
                                                                                                Love always and forever,

                                                                                                         (Daddy and Gwynnie, too!)

A little sneak-peak of Cal’s 6 month pictures! More to come tomorrow!

Happy Monday!

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