
Baby Cal Turns 6… Months!

October 9, 2012
Baby Cal is 6 months old. And to celebrate, The Hubby and I spent the afternoon with just the three of us while Gwyn spent some time with Grammie and Poppie. As part of our special afternoon we went and took his 6 month pictures.
Calvin John:
Weight- 19.4 pounds (78%)
Height- 27.8 inches (88%)
Head Circumference- 17.4 inches (60%)- Totally normal-sized head! Suhweet!
Wearing size 9 and 12 month clothing. Sheesh!

What’s he doing? Sitting up and scooting across the floor in a “worm-like” fashion toward desired objects.

Loves to play with Mom’s black bracelet, red chew-toy, lambie stuffed animal, plastic hangers, and anything crinkly.

Sucking on Mom’s hair is also a favorite past-time, as is gnawing on her face and grabbing anyone’s cheeks.

Sleeps from 7-7:30 pm- 7-7:30 am. Naps from 9-10:30/11 am and 1-2:30/3 pm. Sleeping routine consists of changing diaper, turning on sound machine, putting in sleep sack, laying in crib and walking out.

Tolerates: His sister rolling him over and taking his toys.

Nicknames: Cal, Calver, Cal Pal, Calvie, C, The Calvinator, Cal Cal

Isn’t that just the sweetest face? He is truly one of the sweetest babies I have ever met. He is calm, determined, patient and incredibly chill.

Eating all sorts of solids; his favorites being sweet potatoes, squash, oatmeal and anything fruit. Still not a fan of peas. And he makes sure we know it!

Most difficult time of day: Between 6-7 pm, also known as “Witching Hour.” Best time of day: In the morning. Likes to cuddle and stare up into your eyes.

Yes, he is a thumb sucker. He will take a binky at times, but would much rather spit it out and suck on his thumb. I was resistant to let him do this at first and would constantly pull his thumb out of his mouth, but by-golly, it’s just so incredibly cute and he really only does it when he is tired and about to go to sleep.

Fact: He looks irresistible in suspenders.

Besides the adorably contagious giggle and belly-laugh, he isn’t making many noises yet, other than a nice screech/yell and he is REALLY perfecting your grunting.

He continues to melt our hearts…

And I love dressing him “preppy” or “old-mannish” as his Daddy likes to call it.

We love you, Calvin John. We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next!

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